MrMiller's Forum Posts

  • Hey JayJay,

    After you mentioned the image points, I went back and realized I'd made two mistakes:

    1. My 5 loading images for "animation 1" were a different size than the one for the idle animation (animation '0').

    2. None of the image points were set.

    I was under the wrong impression that Loading in images in Construct would operate the same as doing it the default way. Not so.

    I'm all set now :-)

    Thanks, JayJay!

  • Nice, but the implication that using Construct = lazy, is way off base.

    What people tend to not realize is that programming with event-based systems can be as simple or complex as you make them. I've seen people create event code/expression combinations with these systems that are so complex that it would've been easier to do the exact same thing in a programming language, yet you have to admire the person's willingness to take the program to another level.

  • I'm using Loop index to loop in a set of animations. When I hold down a key (right arrow) to activate an animation, the sprite moves to another position that's completely different from its idle position.

    Is there any way to keep all of the animations in the same X and Y position when using Loop Index and Load Animation From File?

    Here is the loading event and expression:

    -> Hero: Load frame from apppath + "animate\" + str(global('Hero'))+"\"+ str(LoopIndex("animation"))+"\"+ str(LoopIndex("frame")) +".png"

    Here is the .cap:

  • Ah. Thank goodness it's just a bug. I wasn't sure at all.

    I'm going to do what you said. I was at first going to try making an .ini save system again, but I don't see a way to properly send and receive info between the .ini and cap/exe for multiple duplicated sprites unless there were a way to have each duplicate sprite count itself as a unique sprite. I remember there being a plugin for unique sprites, but I'm not sure if that would be something to solve the issue or not. I'll have to check that out.

    Thanks again, Rojo!

  • Hi Rojo,

    Thanks for tackling this!

    The objects are global so they keep the same position from layout to layout.

    Yeah, that's exactly what I want it to do, with the addition of being able to have the objects return to the previous positions they were in in Layout 1.

    You could try to reload when you go to layout 1.

    Do you mean manually, or through events?

    When I've tried it manually the program just sends me to Layout 2 when I click the black loading button. When I've tried to do it through events where I try to get a load and a layout jump at the same time, the program refuses to do either and I'm stuck on the same layout :-(

    I really need it to reset automatically, but I figured that if I can't at least get it to stay on Layout 1 when I click load there is no reason to even try tackling the auto load function yet.

    This makes solution 1 not work, so I would say this would be a good situation to do your own save/load system.

    I created an .ini Save/Load system last year, it worked great. But my hard drive crashed since then and I no longer have the old file. To make matters worse, I can't even remember how I did it, lol :-(

    The other thing I worry about is how the system will handle loading and saving duplicate sprites like how you'd have a lot of when laying ground tiles for a platform game. The save/load function in events would obviously do it naturally but I'm not sure of how to go about it using an .ini save system. If I can do it like a level loader where sprite positions are read from the .ini file at runtime then that would take care of positioning at least, but I forget how to save plugin parameters and such.

    It's a Construct game state file, only readable by the game that made it.

    Right, but I was trying to find out what the file extension is. I can't find it.

    Here is a simple save/load that will work for your example:

    Yeah, I could already do that with my current setup if I only use one Layout. I actually originally did that, but I need two layouts; one to use as an editing board, and the second to use as a fake 'runtime' of the editing board.

  • <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • Looks tasty.

  • Hey Mongoose,

    So how did you make out with this?

  • This should be where to get CC 2.0

  • That's very weird, Mongoose. I'm using 2.0.

    Can anyone else whose downloaded it tell us if they've experience this issue?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here is the .cap:

    Using Deadeyes ISO .cap, I'm trying to do a Save & Load Test using the Save & Load function. Here is what's happening:

    Layout 1

    In the first layout, the black rectangle loads a save when you click it, and when you click on the red rectangle it makes a save of the positions of the objects you drag and drop inside the layout and carries it over to the next layout. So in a way, this acts like a layout editor at runtime.

    Layout 2

    In this layout, anything you drag and drop is meant to be temporary, and when you go back to Layout 1 all the positions of the objects should be back where you originally left them in Layout 1. So essentially, this is trying to make Layout 2 a runtime... at runtime :-) but the problem is...

    -When I click on the blue rectangle to take me back to Layout 1, it goes back to Layout 1 but the objects retain the positions made in Layout 2. The positions in Layout 2 were only supposed to be temporary.

    -When I click on the black rectangle to load the save, it's supposed to start on Layout 1, but it jumps to Layout 2. The only thing that goes right is that it saves the correct positions, it's just that it puts them in the wrong layout! :-(

    Two more things

    Does anyone know what the file type of the save file is? I'm on XP and the file type doesn't show, it just says "file" under file type.


    Does anyone know which plugins don't work with the Save & Load function? I haven't encountered any yet but I read that some plugins don't Save & Load.

  • Here you go:

    -You can move the 2 frame animated block around the screen with the arrow keys.

    -When you press spacebar, the block's animation stops and the arrow keys can no longer move the block around.

    -Once paused, the arrow keys will only control the pause menu.

    -Press spacebar again to exit back to gameplay.

    -There is XBOX 360 control support in there as well.

    Note: There is a tiny bug where if you stop on item 2 and exit, then try to pause again, you'll have to tap the pause key (spacebar) twice. This doesn't happen with the 360 controller. It's a minor thing that you'll probably figure out why it's doing that by examining the event codes. I'll look deeper into it when I get a chance.

    Note 2: The event code is a beast and there may be simpler ways to do this :-) Just giving you a fair warning.

  • I believe I have exactly what you need. Hold on for a few moments while I prepare and upload the .cap.

  • What always gets me is how people will pledge like $5 and go haywire if the project doesn't pan out. Either that, or they're quick to call it a "scam" which is so silly. Crowd-funding has opened up to the public what used to be closed, and that's the ability for the public to decide what gets released instead of the big corporations making all the decisions. But with that, we see a lot of the stupidity of the average consumer emerging (i.e. complaining after losing a tiny pledge, or not understanding how projects work).

    Some of the things I've seen get funding are so lame it really surprises me. Some things I've seen didn't even make sense, like, the projects weren't even explained enough to make sense. Yet, it somehow got hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. I've also seen great projects get little or nothing.

  • One more thought,

    It might not be a bad idea to just make it where you can close the game by pressing escape ('Esc'). From what I know of the games I've played, pressing escape is the default process for closing most PC games.