molter's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • I know that this is an old topic, but for anyone who finds this issue through google like me: There's a system action called "Reset Persisted Objects" that does exactly what you'd expect.

  • I'm trying to create a "level tree" where you must complete certain specific levels before the next one is unlocked. It works very similarly to a skill tree.

    I would like to connect the sprites with lines, and I found that the new pathfinding lines in flowcharts are beautiful to this effect.

    How would I go about automatically connecting my levels (sprites) with these pathfinding lines? I wish flowcharts could be used as layouts haha :)

    Thank you!

  • You'll need to add an event:

    W OR S is NOT being held > set animation to "idle".

  • No. LocalStorage data will be stored differently depending on the export and OS you are using.

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  • > random() can't be use like that.

    > If you want the event to be triggered every 2-5 seconds, use random(2,5)

    > Or, if you want it to be in 0.5s intervals, use choose(2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5)

    I see, TIL!

    Additional question! If i make a copy of the sprite with those random movements, they will all have synchronized movement right? (tried it)

    So to prevent that from happening, do i need to make a at least 5 different sprites with different random movements or is there a way to make it efficient? Like i dont want them to do synchronized movement in case the village reach 10 population (it doesn't look natural if they all move the same every random intervals).

    To build on what dop2000 said: If you want each instance to do something different every time you should use "For Each". (

    It will loop the actions once for every instance of your sprites/villagers. You could then randomly decide (inside that loop) if that villager will move or not, and how much.

  • I'd use the pathfinding behaviour for this. This is how it would look like:

    - Every X seconds > Find path (in a radius if you want)

    - On path found > Follow path

    This is the most simple implementation, you can then add obstacles like houses where they can't go, or use this same behaviour to make them go to a food source as you said.

    Here's a minimal implementation so you can run it and modify it:

  • Solved, kind of.

    I was using:

    - Greenworks 0.71.0

    - NW.JS 0.71

    - Steam SDK 150

    And no matter what, it reported an "Uncaught Error: the specified module could not be found"

    Which as I found is a catch-all message for many kinds of errors. I re-checked that every file was in the correct place and I tried downgrading to Greenworks/NWJS 0.60.

    When I tested again it reported a different error: "Steam_appid could not be found" even though I placed it in the base folder where the .exe for the game is found. After copying it to the package.nw file it worked, and the previous error was gone too!

    My game seems to be working fine with the downgraded version, but It's weird that it won't work with the updated ones.

    Anyways, solved.

  • I'm having problems triggering achievements on Steam. I'm using NW.js to export and I've already done this for my previous game, so I should be doing everything right.

    At least one other user is having the same exact issue ( comments) but I haven't found a solution yet. Here's everything I've tried so far:

    - Checking if achievement actions are getting triggered

    - Downgrading versions gradually (Greenworks, NW.js, Steam SDK)

    - Not using the "export for steam" option and adding the launch args manually

    Using Webview is not an option since I need to export to Windows, Mac and Linux.

    Has anyone ran into a similar issue recently or does anyone know any other troubleshooting steps I could try?

  • Just to confirm too, players can't play my game since Steam is flagging it as having a virus. I'll report it to AV providers and I encourage anyone with this problem to do it too.

    Quick update and workaround:

    Newest versions of NWJS (Tested 0.77.0 and 0.76.0) are running into false positives, regardless of if you run the icon updater. Older versions of NWJS don't trigger any false positives (Tested 0.61.0), but will still trigger it if you run the icon updater.

  • Just to confirm too, players can't play my game since Steam is flagging it as having a virus. I'll report it to AV providers and I encourage anyone with this problem to do it too.

  • Every time I log into my editor I find it annoying that I have to adjust the width of every bar and manually add the Z order bar just so I can start working.

    It's a small annoyance, but I'd like Construct to remember my previous settings or, ideally, have a list of settings and be able to change between them by clicking.

    Is there a way I can do any of these two things?

    Thank you!

  • There's a misspelling on the guest editor start page. It reads "Your" when it should read "You're".


  • 12 posts