Bit confusing of a title but i'll explain...
Basically I've got an Oil derrick and a radius around it, both as sprites that are in the same container.
atm, 10 derricks will be spawned into a random position on my map. if they're outside the "world map", they they'll get teleported again until they're within it.
If the radius of the derrick is touching another radius then it should TP again, however it's not working atm...
I can't figure out how to get the radius to register another radius, since even though i've got it as (Oil-radius "when overlapping Oil-radius" TP derrick) it's still not teleporting. I believe it's triggering on itself so it's automatically not going through with the commands.
TLDR: i've got 2 of the exact same sprites that when touching, should teleport around until they aren't touching. I can't figure out how to get that working atm and i'm looking for help.