390145EC's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Bit confusing of a title but i'll explain...

    Basically I've got an Oil derrick and a radius around it, both as sprites that are in the same container.

    atm, 10 derricks will be spawned into a random position on my map. if they're outside the "world map", they they'll get teleported again until they're within it.

    If the radius of the derrick is touching another radius then it should TP again, however it's not working atm...

    I can't figure out how to get the radius to register another radius, since even though i've got it as (Oil-radius "when overlapping Oil-radius" TP derrick) it's still not teleporting. I believe it's triggering on itself so it's automatically not going through with the commands.

    TLDR: i've got 2 of the exact same sprites that when touching, should teleport around until they aren't touching. I can't figure out how to get that working atm and i'm looking for help.

  • I've been learning alot about pathfinding recently and have created a basic AI for my infantry and vehicles.

    Basically, when my basic soldier sees an enemy, it will currently stop and engage. Using this code:

    After it no longer sees any enemy, it will revert back to it's main state.

    I've basically copied this code across to my car but want to know if there is a way to let it roll to a stop instead of it's speed just instantly going to 0...

    This is it's current pathfinding setting btw: (just in case it's useful)

  • Thanks for the help!, i've changed the waits out for timers and everything seems to be working exactly as i wanted it to :) I'll just have to finish some things off then i can show the new event list to see if anything can be improved.

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  • For my game I'm making to learn code and whatnot, I've got the player and lots of enemy/allies units that are walking around and moving to places.

    Here I've made a small arena with some points to go to and some enemies for the units to stop and kill. As shown in the next image, each point has a neutral/allied/enemy mode, when the unit is in the circle it captures it for that team.

    My problem is that when there is more than 4 units, my wait commands really show through as I'm not sure if you're able to make them run per unit.

    Here is the code used to make them run, they'll spawn in, wait a bit then run. But when there is alot of units, each unit has to wait for another unit to move before going themselves. So it comes down to wondering if there is a way to change my events to allow 2 units to wait individually so they don't conga-line into the enemy one after the other...

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  • Forgot to add, I previously tried to get them to shoot at a "family" of enemy targets, but that seems to be bugged or just annoyingly inconsistent as seen from other posts so I scrapped that for now until I can find a way to get it working.

  • So for my game, I've got friendly and enemy soldiers. I'm intending for them to shoot at one another then just slowly walk about when not firing.

    I've turned them into turrets to allow them to shoot, but from the impression I got, each separate sprite is meant to be it's own thing? But for some reason, all the turrets (If they're in range of the target) are shooting at the same target.

    This is the blocks I'm using for them (The random rotate is just to show they're done shooting for now). From my understanding, even though they're separate sprites, they're all being set to target the same thing. I'm just wondering if there is a way to change that so that they can target different things instead of all going for the same one.

    As shown in my test map, they all target the bottom right target then turn in a clockwise direction, shooting each one in order.

  • 6 posts