For my game I'm making to learn code and whatnot, I've got the player and lots of enemy/allies units that are walking around and moving to places.
Here I've made a small arena with some points to go to and some enemies for the units to stop and kill. As shown in the next image, each point has a neutral/allied/enemy mode, when the unit is in the circle it captures it for that team.
My problem is that when there is more than 4 units, my wait commands really show through as I'm not sure if you're able to make them run per unit.
Here is the code used to make them run, they'll spawn in, wait a bit then run. But when there is alot of units, each unit has to wait for another unit to move before going themselves. So it comes down to wondering if there is a way to change my events to allow 2 units to wait individually so they don't conga-line into the enemy one after the other...