How do I connect two sprites by a pathfinding line (similar to the new lines in flowcharts)?

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  • I'm trying to create a "level tree" where you must complete certain specific levels before the next one is unlocked. It works very similarly to a skill tree.

    I would like to connect the sprites with lines, and I found that the new pathfinding lines in flowcharts are beautiful to this effect.

    How would I go about automatically connecting my levels (sprites) with these pathfinding lines? I wish flowcharts could be used as layouts haha :)

    Thank you!

  • You can use the pathfinding behavior for that. Like this

  • You can use the pathfinding behavior for that. Like this

    Hi. Can you tell me how you get direct links to the example in the editor?


    I often give an answer to a question and I lack this skill.

    Thanks for your attention.

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  • Right click the example - copy direct link

  • Right click the example - copy direct link

    Thank you. I know this method but it doesn't work on my latest version of Chrome for some reason. I checked the clipboard permission for the site is set. Why this is so I do not understand, I will try to look deeper.


    I found the reason in the engine settings, that checkbox.

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