MisfitBYTE's Forum Posts

  • Do you know if theres a way you can make a section of one layout invisible to see through to the other one, or would it just show that white looking part of the screen like if you didn't have a background?

    Seeing this post the other day gave me an idea for a tool to create, but don't know if it would work

  • Thats odd since it was made in 99.42 and doesn't use anything special. You can't get the file to open, like it says it was made in an different version or you just can't get it to run right?

    I didn't explain this but you're supposed to type (paste) some long message into the entry box and hit the Enter button. That was just a cheap way to get text into quickly. Could it just be that misunderstanding or is it an actual problem?

  • Other than a couple tweaks and writing a short tutorial, its done so I'll have it up after getting a bit of sleep.

    A quick question, are you using 99.4 or 98? The way its made will work in either version, but right now its saved in 99.

  • Lol, a thread for the unmotivated got posts. Wait..that means, this thread is actually..procrastination!

    If you're REALLY sure about your project, but just need the umph to get it going, outside pressure has worked for me. I involved my nephews/nieces in a game project, having them draw the characters background or objects. They hounded me with "did you bring my game?" "is it done?" "can I take it to daycare?" until I finished it for them.

    I find I do that splitting things up stuff too, just not in a planned way. Like cutting the grass, I'll mow off a section then knock it out. People have actually stopped to comment on my odd patterns, but it just tricks the brain in to saying "Oh look, you've only got this much left until you can move on." I'll give it a try with the game stuff soon..maybe..if I feel like it

  • Are you talking about centering the view on a sprite, instead of zooming in on a sprite? I'm asking because of your reference to scrolling backgrounds being a result of it.

    Also I don't think the car behavior has any gravity to it so thats probably whats making you float up. You can try adding another behavior like the platform or ball and then adjusting their other settings to negate the effects they have that you don't want. Or you can probably create a gravity effect with Custom Behavior but I haven't tried that out at all, so can't say how.

  • I've got something close to the scrolling text and I've actually been looking for a project to get me back into working with construct again, just haven't felt up to it in a while. I'll work on that a bit and get it up soon. You are still planning to use direct X right? You did mention changing graphics after all.

  • I haven't worked at all with what I'm going to suggest, so no idea if it'll work, but maybe it'll help. If the RTS pathfinding stuff will put out X,Y before it moves, store them in variables. Then use the Line object to draw lines from PointA.xy to PoitB.xy to PoitC.xy ...yada yada. Possibly adding some little graphic at each of those points before it branches off.

    Again, I don't know at all what the path finding or Line objects actually look like, but hope that'll work.

    Maybe use a Hash table with hash names like Option1_PointA, Option1_PointB, Option2_PointA, Option2_PointB if you're wanting to be able to swap between a few different path views.

  • Well, it was for a tool request so that might still be an option but I doubt one I'll pursue.

    Thanks for the quick reply.

  • Is there a way to use controllers other than the Xbox 360s? Or will the 360 controller object work with any game pad hooked to the computer?

  • With the sprites not turning, try double clicking on that event to open up its editor and just click Finish again. Do that for each of the controls that has a 01 in the event where it didn't before. That worked for me.

    Though I did end up leaving the old version installed, and installing the new one in a separate folder because the new additions to the platform behavior seriously messed up one of my games. It wasn't a platform game though, and I just got too frustrated to work on fixing it anymore.

    One note, I am experiencing a weird problem with the double install. The windows for layers, animations, even the Properties one sometimes aren't in their proper position or have to be pulled back up whenever I open 99.42 after having the older version open. Its a nuisance, but a livable option if you just can't reach a work around for updating your games.

  • Actually lucid, your fix is pretty spot on. You just need to put the image point on the hero's body so the sword doesn't seem to be floating. Porlo's was the same I think, it just didn't have the arm attached. Namelezz, I think it'd look cool if you put in an arm on that side to give him classic fencing poses. I keep getting that image in my mind when the sword goes between the up/right corner and the bottom/left. Kinda like Daffy Duck swashbuckling. You've also got a good system here if you want to let the player switch weapons, like with a chain ala castlevania, or batman and do some swinging from it.

    Good job all three of ya and I hope you keep working on this Namelezz.

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  • I played around with it, don't know if this is still what you're going for though.

    I attached the sword to the hero instead of using the mouse behavior (hope you don't mind but I had to draw a tiny bit of an arm on the guy.)

    He still does the spinning blade attack but I also gave it a couple special moves using combinations with the right/left mouse that don't let the sword spin.

    Left Mouse:

    holding Space - Dash-Stab move where you jerk the mouse forward to stab, and then the character bounces back to avoid being hurt himself.

    Right Mouse:

    holding C - flaming sword (you still swing like normal, it just have plasma attached to it)

    holding Space - Hail Storm starts wherever the mouse's X is.

    Just about every addition is in a new event sheet called Mouse Movement, its grouped and pretty well commented. Everything else was in the Always or At Startup events.


    (ps: I changed jump to the W key for my own comfort, forgot to change it back.)

  • You can create a background or panel for the Boxes, a portrait for the characters, and a dialog box all on a layer by themselves that doesn't scroll. Make them invisible at startup and set them to visible whenever your player talks to an NPC.

    I've uploaded a couple caps as examples, the first one is mostly about adjusting your dialog boxes to fit the size of the dialog, but it also includes a primitive example of a scripting system. (as in movie scripts)

    http://www.box.net/shared/flbrtsc86h - Pre-99.42 version.

    This second version is an attempt at a better dialog system, it still adjust the text boxes, but you also have three NPC's to talk to in it and theres portraits that swap based on which one it is.

    http://www.box.net/shared/8zb2lnnsca - Requires 99.42

    Its not a tutorial, but is pretty well commented.