MisfitBYTE's Forum Posts

  • By panel object, do you mean just the background image like I used in that cap, or a feature of Construct I haven't found yet?

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  • The purpose is for Dialog boxes in RPGs or something similar. Here's the cap, http://www.box.net/shared/flbrtsc86h I hope it helps.

    Theres a few additions, now instead of the text possibly going off screen if its too long, the box will drop down a little bit.

    It simply checks if the NewWidth would be wider than a predetermined length (like the size of a background image to put behind your dialog box.) If so it drops down. Then if it is twice as much as that length, but not 3 times as much, it will drop down a second level. And if its three times as long, it will drop down a third level.

    I set it up to also adjust the height of the background images, and theres a private variable for those called OrigHeight. You set that as the starting Height of your image (in the panel on the left, no need to do it in an event.) So when the Text box is adjusting its height, the image will set its height to the OrigHeight + an amount depending on how many levels the text has to adjust.

    Theres a seperate event sheet to control the actual dialog, its not a very good example and theres a few kinks but I just hacked it up tonight for this demo.

  • I'm confused about what you're saying. There already is a smaller screen that only has the launch field, Main Menu and exit (and a tiny list box for quick selection.) I could set it to load to that screen when the program starts, if thats what you mean.

    As for minimizing to the task bar, do you mean to Quick Launch? Because it does minimize to the taskbar.

    I haven't figured out how to do it yet, but I'm going to try to make it where the input field will actually show up in the taskbar.

  • Thank you for the input, that was a concern, especially with the Renaming. I've got an idea for a file cabinet like design, where each page has a tab at the top you click on to change to it.

    It'll be a week before I start working on it again, so any more suggestions ya'll want to supply in the mean time is much appreciated.

  • Bug Fix: There was a bug that when you used the Ctrl key to launch all paths, launched Path 2 twice instead of launching the third. Thats now working correctly.

    New Feature: I added a Renaming feature so you don't have to delete and create a whole new alias if you don't like the name you used. With this, you also don't have to have any of the Path fields entered.

    Screenshots: Small Screen and Main Menu

    <img src="http://www.box.net/shared/6uhrbm3g8z">


  • BUG FIX: There was a nuisance bug with creating an alias where after creating the alias, the Unable to Create Alias dialog box popped up. This has been fixed and the update can be downloaded from the same link just below. It should overwrite the proper files without changing your saved data.


    Also, here are a few snapshots

    A file launching program I've been working on for a few weeks (thus the incremented symbols.) I just recently heard about these, so for those that don't know, its a program that lets you clean shortcuts off your desktop but still have the quick access they provide.

    You Create an Alias and connect a file's path (up to 3 files per Alias) to that Alias. After you've created an Alias, you can launch the program, file, or folder by typing in the Alias (or selecting it from a List Box) and hitting the Launch button or Ctrl on your keyboard. Theres also the option to launch an individual program by pressing Alt and 1-3 corresponding to which field you placed it in. You can delete an Alias, redirect one or all three paths to an Alias, open the readme file or a .txt list of your Aliases.

    There is second layout which automatically shrinks when you change to it, so you can place the program in a corner of your desktop. I suggest the upper left so you don't have to keep adjusting it on the screen when switching between layouts.

    There are plenty of ? boxes on screen to give you information and tips, plus a full Readme file that can be called up with a single button click.

    Future plans include a Rename function so you don't have to delete and create the Alias all over again and alphabetizing the output list of your Aliases.

    If you have any other suggestions feel free to yell them out here or email at the address provided in the readme.

  • That was just an attempt at a work around, I fixed the real problem of why some apps wouldn't launch right. I was getting the Alias to call from the wrong section. You can delete this thread if you want, thanks for the reply though.

  • I'm creating a windows app to launch my most used programs, part of it is to allow you to set your own path and alias. It works fine when you launch an actual program, however when I try to get it to launch a folder, the trouble starts.

    I use Execute File for both version, with different ways to set the path name.

    Executing a program uses a Global Variable and works just fine.

    To open a folder, I had to use Get Path. It either opens to the folder that my .cap file is in (not acceptable for when I cut out all my specific apps and make it available to the public)

    Or, if I use Set Path and then Get Path, it wants to open to one folder back from what it should open.

    Anyone know of a better way of opening a folder?

  • I don't know if someone has already supplied a tutorial to do this or if Construct has this feature already, but just in case they haven't, here is my way.

    You'll need three Private Variables for your Text Box.


    TextSize (this should be set to your chosen font size)

    NewWidth (this leave as 0)

    TextAmmount (this leave as 0)


    In a new event sheet create an Always event.


    Lives_Txt: Set 'TextAmmount' to len(Lives_Txt.Text)

    Start a new action. Select your text box, in this example mine is named Lives_Txt. Click Set Value. Your private variable should be TextAmmount and for your value click down on the System icon. When it comes up, look in the Text section for Get String Length, or just type lens(yada) Now the value you want to put inside the lens function is Lives_Txt.Text. You can type it in or click the Lives_Txt object and select Get Text.

    Lives_Text: Set 'NewWidth' to Lives_Txt.Value('TextSize')*Lives_Text.Value('TextAmmount')

    This should be obvious if you're used to tooling around in the events already. You start your

    action with the Lives_Txt object (or whatever you've called it) and set the value of NewWidth to the size of your font (represented here as TextSize)multiplied by the size of your string.

    Lives_Txt: Set width Lives_Txt.Value('NewWidth')+5

    Start your action and in the Size & Positions section theres a Set Width command. What we're doing is inserting the value of NewWidth that we just found, into the Set Width command. Then I tacked on a +5 to add some room for things like bold, italics, the differing widths of letters.

    That should be it, other than having to do this for each Text object you want the size to update. Let me know if someone has a better way of doing this or if you found this tutorial to be unclear.