edit: I should mention its made in 99.42 so won't work with earlier versions (earlier than 99.4 probably)
Thats the new cap, the change from tiled backgrounds to panels was a simple replacement but I also added a generic dialog system that can be changed for things like letting an NPC ask a player to go on a quest.
Its pretty heavily commented, its not really a tutorial. I'm going to write that in a few days.
I'm not sure how much better this system is actually, it loads values into hash tables from an INI file, so that you get the ease of update from using a .txt as the INI file.
Later on I'll update it even more with some preprogrammed responses for the player to choose from like in a console RPG.
Ya'll let me know what you think, are the hash tables better than just getting it straight from the INI all the time or does it even out? I know INIs are supposedly slow, but what about hashes?
this isn't the finished project, but I'd really like some advice before I continue