MisfitBYTE's Forum Posts

  • I've been looking into pySndObj, still need to do some reading on it as the closest I've come to DSP is creating a horrible distortion effect in synthedit. But I think it has the capability and theres a tutorial in the forum here about including python libraries.

    If you do anything with it, let me know? Good luck.

  • I think you misunderstood the problem I was having. The ID3 object and the XAudio object don't like sharing apparently. My work around was to use the ID3 first and set it to an arbitrary file after use, so the XAudio could use the same audio file off the computer. The crash I mentioned came from trying to set ID3 to a nonexistent file.

    If I'm wrong, can you explain your reasoning some more?

  • A bit of a workaround, but it's functional. Set your ID3 tags first, then set it to another file before playing the original file. You have to set it to a real file though, I tried just setting ID3 to "" and would get a crash every time you change songs.

  • Working on an audio based game, I want to use the ID3 tags to modify some things.

    The trouble is, when I set a file for the ID3 to use, before the action to play the mp3...the music won't play but the tags will work. If I put the Xaudio action first, it plays, but the tags no longer work.

    Pretty simple .cap file, should explain things further itself.


  • Ok, new version up, same link.

    With the new version I can update text files that control what tags need to be removed, what unicode needs to be replaced, in the .xml parser without users having to download the executable again.

    Still need to add the ability to create lists and an update function.

  • I do plan to extend it for making lists, was planning something involving using ID3 tags, but hadn't even thought of moving stuff for compiling. ....hmm, I think construct even has an object for working with zips.

    Any other suggestions are welcome as well.

    I found some other bugs involving the iTunes playlist, iTunes changes certain characters to their ..(is it unicode?) format, such as the pound symbol # being changed to %23. That one and a few others are fixed but I just tested it out and found some more, I can't change this code till later tonight since I'm not on my development pc.

    Thats something else I plan to look into once I get a better handle on python, writing in python and having construct import those scripts so that it could be updated from anywhere.

  • The app will now check if a file already exists and will make a copy into subfolder if so, it shows you a tally of how many duplicates were made, a popup box tells you when this is happening and the name of the file. And theres a Clear button to empty out the list and edit boxes.

  • So things like os.pyc or shutil.pyc should ALWAYS be embedded in your executable.

    I was being an idiot. Opening up the subsection where you pick what goes in, but I missed some things. Btw, do you still have to place the python26.dll in the folder? I tried it out both ways and both seem to run.. I had my real python folder changed to a different name during the test.


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  • It is the python modules I meant and I think I've got it close to working... to start off it would give me an error saying there is no shutil to import. I read up about inserting a __init__.py into the intended subfolder, that seems to get me a little further. But its saying I have to path module. I think thats supposed to be part of os.py but I have the os in my subfolder which it seems to recognize but I still get the path.py error. And I'm talking in circles out of frustration. Won't be able to work on it for a few days so if anyone figures that out let me know please.

  • Thanks, I believe I'll try Pyglet just because it states theres no other dependencies to get and I =think= I already know what I need to do from looking at the online reference.

  • *blinks* Unless something changed, theres a seperate channel already for music and it can play from resource and file as well. I think thats also the only one that will play mp3 or midi from file. The last time I checked theres no condition to check if the file is still playing though, which I want for mixing files. Trying to find a python module to use, but I also want it to run VSTs..so choices are limited.

  • Anyone know of a way to get them to work from a subfolder?

  • I just made another app runtime...I know I know...its a game development tool...

    And I had this idea since python is starting to come into focus again, that I could use an external library to skin the UI. I figure I could use a graphic library to set a picture where ever I needed it. Any idea about what that lib or module should be?

  • Are you just getting the text form a list box or are you actually trying to remove that entry from the box? It looks like you're just getting text.

    You don't really need to use python for that, plain events will work just fine. Use a TextBox...set it's text to what you're trying there. (Maybe thats exactly what you're doing, you're just using python ..without a cap I'm a bit confused.)

    What is it supposed to do? Change the text box's text whenever you select a different line? I'm pretty sure theres an event condition that says "If ListBox.SelectedLine changes" that you could use instead of Always.

  • "With faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains."


    Mustard Seed Plus is built to move mountains of files.

    You load a playlist and a list box is filled with the file locations parsed out.

    It works with iTunes .xml, .m3u and .txt

    You then select a folder you want to send them too (with a checkbox option of creating a directory with the same name as the playlist. The box needs to be checked first if you want that feature.)

    You then Copy or Move your files with the press of a button. A Delete button appears incase you just copied and decide you want to delete the old files that were in the playlist later.

    The last button on the interface is to open the folder where the files were copied to, it also creates List.txt of the files that were moved in that session, just outside the Playlist-named folder if you used that. Or inside the chosen folder if you didn't use the checkbox.

    You can spread the window out (or maximize) to see two other edit boxes that are used in the background, one for the initial loading of the file that is then parsed into the onscreen listbox. A third listbox is used for testing and only gets lines added if a file doesn't exist. Theres also a textbox offscreen that shows the parsing as it runs through the list.


    This currently doesn't check if a file is repeated, so if you come up short afterward thats most likely what happened..it copied, then copied right over the first copy. I'll fix this in a couple weeks, along with adding automation for keeping an eye on a folder of playlists and activating when something is changed.