Minor's Forum Posts

  • <img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b170/mr_flibble_hhah/project.png">

    <img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b170/mr_flibble_hhah/project2.png">

    Some great stuff going on here guys.

  • Try Linkman2004's Gravitation plugin

    Should be what you are looking for.

  • > Or have I misread what your after achieving.


    I'm afraid you have.

    I'm trying to hold thousands of pieces of data internal to the app.

    So, placing them into a list at design time.


    Ah. It isn't the first time and won't be the last.

    Although usually when I miss read the situation I end up with a kick in the nuts, a slap in the chops or a white wine spritzer in the face.

  • You can populate a list box at runtime from an external txt file.

    +Start Of Layout

    Listbox Load From File

    Or have I misread what your after achieving.

  • On Vista here.

    Works here with no problems.

    Excellent idea/toy Davioware, it's great fun, reminds me of my Primary (Elementary to my American cousins) School days jamming using home made instruments & no msucical talent.

  • Not to hijack the thread but is there a way to pick from a series of numbers?

    i.e 100,200,300,400,500 and pick one of those values at random.

  • random(insert number here)

    Will pick a random number between 0 & the number you entered, if you don't want to return a 0 the add +1 after closing the brackets.

  • There's a timer behaviour that does exactly what you want. Add the behaviour to you sprite and then use something like.

    +On Keypressed "space"

    +Canshoot = 1

    create sprite "bullet"

    set variable Canshoot 0

    create timer "shoot" (you set it's name, length & other params in this event)

    and then use the On Timer event.

    +On Timer "shoot"

    set variable Canshoot to 1

    Might not be the exact code/events but I'm away from Construct so can't double check it but it gives you a rough idea.

  • Here you go.

  • Just my 2 cents/penneth worth.

    How about a workshop type idea.

    Say first working with loops - If people have the time they create a small examples of how loops can be used, nothing major, just real world examples of how loops could intergrate and slimline an event sheet. Same with INI files how you can read & write to them to store & retrieve values & strings. Hash Tables would be good, I know they are in the Adventure Game tutorial but something using them that is small scale, and don't have to delve to deep into the inner workings of something big-ish.

    You know sort small examples that are quickish to make but can be easily inserted into a project. Maybe have them run for a week or 2 then a thread created with all the examples that where made as downloadable links.

    I'm babbling know but thats what I'd like to seee and participate in.

  • Hi again.

    I've posted my Platform Engine here - - if you want to take a look at it.

    It probably has the features in a Megaman game and might help you out along the way.

    And hopefully is commented well enough.

  • Hi all. Thought i'd post this as there has been a lot of questions about platform stuff recently.


    Has loads of features ducking, wall slide, wall jumps, super jumps and some more. I created it a while ago so the event sheet is messy, there are probably redundant events or actions or easier ways to do things - but it works quite well.

    It's commented in as plain English as I can (explaining stuff isn't a strength of mine) and is aimed at someone totally new to Construct.

    There are some bugs - for example crawling under a low wall and letting go of the duck button "shoots" you from beneath the wall, I have fixed this but can't find the cap at the moment.

    You can see it in action here -

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Any problems let me know or if you have any suggestions or improvements.


  • For the wallslide I wouldn't change the gravity value, instead I'd modify the Y vector (y movement) of the platform object.

    Modified cap here - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1646976/wallslide.cap

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  • Hi.

    Here's an updated cap that seems to work as you want - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1646976/dash.cap

    I've got rid of the Dash sprite and used the Dash animation in the main Megaman sprite. Also added some speed to the X movement so when he dashes he goes faster. Also edited the main image point on the animations as some where centre and others top left.

    I've got an example of state based animations on my computer that I'm currently commenting the events thst would nprobably help, i'll try and finish the commenting this week.

    Hope it helps.

  • > Current project - until I get bored that is .



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    > You can download the very early test here - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1646976/PixPlat.exe


    > Cursor Keys - Move

    > Z - Jump

    > X - Shoot


    > First go at anything Pixel Art related.


    That is adorable, love it!

    Criticism: The player character kinda jerks/flickers an individual frame from another sequence? whenever you stop moving.

    Thank you. I think the problem you mentioned is the run cycle has a sort head bob frame so it doesn't look too stiff and when you stop running it changes to the idle stand with gun stance and there's quite a big difference between the two frames. Maybe I can smooth it out somehow.

    Nice job Minor. I like the life indicator skull. The jumping seems a bit abrupt but I'm sure that when playing the full game I'd get used to it.

    One buggy thing I noticed is that a few times that I fell in the lava, a second player sprite appeared and would dissolve along with the first one. Weird. I couldn't get a lock on what was causing it, though.

    Thanks deadeye. I fixed the problem the event was triggering twice on the deeper pit of lava - the old trigger once while true soon fixed it though.

    Oh and again thanks for the Platform School it really kickstarted my understanding with Construct.