Hi, well I have some troubles with the engine I'm making, the first one, is the Air Acceleration/Decceleration, I had 0 and 0 in that values but then I realized 2 things, my player can not move when is on air, and second, if I jump to the right, and then release the Right Arrow, the player kept falling towards right, and I dont want that.
So I inserted some random values, trying to get a normal jump acceleration and decceleration, but I couldn't. The values always makes my player moves too fast, I don't know a better values, so please, if you can fix that, I would be glad.
The events that are not working are in the WallSliding sheet. You know, Megaman X can slid in walls, so I made this Tile blocks, and had this events:
When Player is overlapping the Tiles, has a wall on the right, and Key Right Arrow is pressed, modify the gravity to 20. If Player is overlapping the Tiles, has a wall on the right but the Key Right Arrow is not pressed, set the gravity to normal. But the problem is when I press Right again... the gravity doesn't go 20 again, it remains in the original value.
Here are the .cap file: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3FJ9Q4UC
I hope you can help me, I'm using 0.99.6 version, thanks!!,