Minor's Forum Posts

  • Just finished a new tutorial.

    Download or visit my Tutorials Blog for more info.

  • Trying to generate a random overworld map for a possible roguelike or something I don't know really. Will probably end up sitting on my hard drive and festering away.

  • Just like to give my thanks deadeye for these tutorials.

    When I started with Construct these helped me so much and hopefully they'll help many more.

  • Hello all. Been ages since I've posted anything here.

    Not used Construct in ages due to real life stuff, but decided to get back into it by creating some new tutorials. I've just finished the first tutorial that uses the Image Manipulator to load a level. In the example it's an Arkanoid clone.

    Download or visit my new Construct Tutorials Blog

    All events are commented as best I can. Hope it helps someone out.

  • Thank's everyone! We're really happy that you are enjoying As soon we have a solid prototype I'll post it here!


    > Really nice work guys.


    > My only complaint is that the lovely art work is mostly hidden in the darkness or is that just the case for this level? Seems a real shame to hide such great game art.


    Hi Minor!

    Thanks I'm very flattered! About the darkness, well, all the levels are really dark, but many lights can show up in the screen at the same time. Each level you complete your own light get's bigger, there are key lights everywhere and enemies have their own lights too.

    Thats OK then .

    Been working on a new version of an old prototype I made.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    It creates an evolving level with "Cellular Automata" and in the second part of the video it automatically tiles the level as it evolves. I'm quite happy with it so far

  • hello! here's a little video showing some gameplay from our project Talbot's Odyssey!

    by studio MiniBoss (saint11 and me)

    for more info, please visit our blog! :3

    Really nice work guys.

    My only complaint is that the lovely art work is mostly hidden in the darkness or is that just the case for this level? Seems a real shame to hide such great game art.

  • minor, JK! It's about time you went for more colourful backgrounds. Looks well nice mate. Love the retro style!

    Any suggestions? My art skills really don't extend past what you see in the screenshot.

    8x8 characters I can barely manage, but things like backgrounds and bigger stuff I'm shockingly bad at.

  • However, I did have a bit of difficulty with the wall-jumping. I couldn't seem to use it reliably enough to escape the monster's clutches!

    Yeah wall jumping is a little difficult. It doesn't feel natural having to press up and jump again after pulling off one walljump, well not to me anyway. Maybe have it so you can hold up and press the jump button as many times as you need to perform wall jumps.

    Checkpoints - I didn't get very far but are there any?

    The Monster cheats! He's fairly quick and can move through the walls and when I have to wall jump I sometimes get killed by him because I have to jump towards him.

    Keep it up though

  • Here's a screenshot of our game "Talbot's Odyssey"! Still in production (3/8 complete)

    <img src="http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/1146/wellscreenshot.jpg">

    Love the art style on that screenie .

    MAAAAH! How the heck do you guys make such polished graphics??? I can only manage these stupid pixel art things.

    <img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b170/mr_flibble_hhah/Games/conway.png">

    Nowt wrong with Pixels

  • A new video of Agilis

    Showing a more complex level.

    Looks really nice. And from the video seems to play well too. Waiting for a demo

  • Really interesting game you've got going on there.

    Keep it up man

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  • Sorry for bumping an old topic but Memorized was featured in the September issue of the French gaming magazine



    I've Googled the article bit for anyone interested

    [quote:13f8vg85]Five seconds is the time you have to memorize each table game platform before the light,., turns off. Then you have to jump the right places to reach the exit while avoiding obstacles. Whenever you die, the path appears again few moments to let you back on track. In a formidable efficiency, the concept attracted, especially it reminds us of the great moments of galley when the show off the Light to reach the bedroom while trying to avoid embedding itself in the knees furniture. A catchy title, really thought and taking that deserves some attention here, as it confers its playability good life.

  • Thanks for sharing this Luomu.

    Not poked around with the cap yet but have run the exe.

    Looks like a great plugin.

  • Great little 1st game.

    Love the chunky pixel look. Would like to see this expanded to either a full blown zombie platformer like GunGirl 2 or keep as it is now but expanded. A few ideas:

      More level layouts More zombie types New weapon pickups A combo system Player select/more characters Stats - Most zombie killed without taking damage/bullets fired/time without shooting etc Gore/blood - Best bit of zombie films

    Still a nice little game as it is now

  • Just tried it.

    Same problem here on 0.99.92