Minor's Forum Posts

  • Cool

  • Was bored and created a small Game Of Life Sim.

    <img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b170/mr_flibble_hhah/Games/tinyLife1.png">

    <img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b170/mr_flibble_hhah/Games/tinyLife2.png">

    You can load in pre-created shapes that can be created in the tinyLIFE Pattern Creator

    <img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b170/mr_flibble_hhah/Games/tinyLifepatterncreator2.png">

    The above is a CoeShip

    <img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b170/mr_flibble_hhah/Games/tinyLifepatterncreator1.png">

    The above is a Gosper Gun

    There isn't a lot of premade patterns yet but I'll probably add more over time. If you want to create some you'll find a huge amount HERE if you create anything post it here and I'll add it to the zip.

    You can download tinyLIFE HERE. Will post the cap when I've cleaned it up and commented it for my Tutorials Blog.

  • I didn't test it with the actual version, but in v96 the vertical coordinate of the image manipulator is turned upside down. 0 being the bottom of the image instead of the top. That might have caused it?

    That sounds like what I was experiencing.

  • Ok I sussed it. Well sort of.

    I recreated my events but used sprites instead of colouring pixels with the Image Manipulator and it pastes my data where it should be. Well for now it seems.

    I'll probably find a way to break it again at a later date.

  • Yeah it's my pseudo code I check if the value of the small array is 1 then set the value in the larger array as 1. If the small array value is 0 I set the larger array value as 0.

    I'm going to keep trying this as I'm sure it's so simple that I can't see the problem for looking.

  • Right I can tell this is going to make zero sense to anyone but I'll try.

    I have two arrays one is 150x150 in size and the other is 20x20. The screen size is 150,150 so the larger array represents each pixel on screen.

    I'm trying to put the data (is loaded from a saved array and is either 1 or 0 nothing complicated) from the smaller one (array2) into the larger (array1) where the left mouse button is clicked but it doesn't seem to work properly. It pastes the data but nowhere near where the mouse is clicked. I've probably mucked up maths wise but this is bugging me now. What I've tried:

    On mouseclick I set 2 global variables to the mouse X&Y when clicked.

    For Each element array2

    current index is 1 set array1 currentindex + Xvariable & currentindey + Yvariable to 1

    In my mind if the current index is 10,10 and the mouse is clicked at 50,50 it should set the data in the larger array to 1 at 60,60.

    Don't really want to post a cap as it's very messy at the moment but can anyone see what is going to be my simple mistake.

  • Game Of Life example - HERE

    Example isn't commented.

    Hope it helps.

  • Not sure if this will help you, but it seems a good point to interject in this thread for completeness.

    You could possibly skip the tokenizing thing completely, and just use the Mid() expression to isolate the individual characters. The len() expression is a natural companion to it, also. Assuming that Mid() is 1-based instead of 0-based (not sure if that's correct), this pseudocode would tokenize a string into delimited single characters:

    string = "Minor"
    newstring = ""
    For index = 1 to len(string) - 1
        newstring = newstring + mid(string, index, 1) + ","
    Next index
    newstring = newstring + right(string, 1)[/code:1ao0py00]
    newstring would equal "M,i,n,o,r" after that. BTW, subtract one from both ends of the For line if Mid() is 0-based.
    That said, if all of the tokens will always be a fixed number of characters as above, then I'd skip the tokenstring expressions and just use the mid() expression whenever you need one of the characters.

    Thanks for the info Silent Cacophony I'll keep that in mind.

  • > I've tried using left(global('name'), 1) which works fine but I can't seem to get the 2nd letter in the word using left(global('name'),2 returns the 1st & 2nd letters in the word.


    Yeah well, you need to use the MID expression here!

    Mid(string, index, N)
        Returns the N characters after index in string. [/code:3l22y63m]

    Perfect Pixel

    Didn't try MID. Automatically thought it would just return the centre character in the string.


  • I want to tokenize a string (just one word and restricted to 9 letters) that I am getting from an editbox but I'm having a few problems.

    Basically I want a user to enter their name (upto 9 letters) and then tokenize it so MINOR would be tokenized as M,I,N,O,R then I can play around with the letters/numbers.

    I've tried using left(global('name'), 1) which works fine but I can't seem to get the 2nd letter in the word using left(global('name'),2 returns the 1st & 2nd letters in the word.

    Has anyone got an example of this? I know I'm missing something really simple here but thought I'd ask for some help.

  • Made in under 12 hours with crude ASCII graphics. Echo Thrust is a simple Thrust clone with a bit of a twist. The aim is simple collect the hearts. When a heart is collected a version of your past self is created (an echo) and these must be avoided. Lose 100% of your shield and it's game over



    Shift - Start Game

    F1 - Clears the current Highscore to 0

    In Game:

    Shift - Thrust

    Arrow Keys - Move

    Escape - Quits to Titlescreen

    I finally finished something. I'm quite proud of myself considering how lazy I am when it comes to getting anything done.

    Download from GameJolt or watch a gameplay

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • >

    > > Yokai teaser

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > There is a damp spot of happiness in my pants now. Keep it up guys.


    Hey Minor, Thanks a lot.

    I've subscribed your youtube channel! Love your tutorials blog!

    keep up the great work

    Thanks for that pyteo

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  • Yokai teaser

    There is a damp spot of happiness in my pants now. Keep it up guys.

  • Separate tutorials in separate threads is fine, it's actually preferred, makes it easier for people to find them all!

    Thanks Tom.

    Thanks for this Minor. That article by Salt (and also what you've done) is exactly what I was looking for

    No problem hope it helps.

    Pretty cool, but the .cap looks different from the screenshots

    Ooops uploaded the wrong cap. Should be the right one now.

  • Just finished another tutorial. This time a quick level editor that will automatically tile the level for you. Just draw the basic shape and It'll do the rest.

    Download or vistit my Construct Tutorials blog

    EDIT*** Question to mods/admin - Would it better for you guys if I put my tutorials in one thread or in single threads. ***EDIT