milkstudio's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for that - I've been tweaking the settings but still miles away. I think this must be one of those 'deceptively simple' games that, while quite minimalist, has more going on behind the scenes in order to create the flow...

  • Apologies for the basic question but I've tried for ages getting physics, bullet properties right, and haven't managed to get close yet :(

    I've been enjoying an app called Go Escape -- gameplay video here

    But have got to the end and there are no new levels for now so thought I'd try creating some levels myself.

    I figured this kind of game should be reasonably straightforward to build in Construct3 but haven't been able to get the ball physics right (too bouncy and it doesn't flow right).

    Any tips for setting behaviours to replicate this would be much appreciated. Thanks!

  • And just for completion's sake - to set it for your own timezone, add or subtract hours from timeString.

    You can then make it AM/PM or stick with military time.

    Make a digital spritefont and, bingo, one digital watch :)

    Many thanks to dop2000 for setting me on the right path for this; much appreciated!

  • I had the same question some time ago, and ended up taking this Udemy course --

    It was brilliant and well worth the $10 or $15 I paid for it so if you want something that explains making a (basic) pinball game from start to finish, this is it.

    NB I've done several Construct courses on Udemy and quality varies a lot so read the reviews first. Good luck :)

  • Whew! Worked it out (nearly)!

    Sorry for hijacking my own thread, but if it helps someone in the future :)

    dividerCharacter and timeString are global variables (string)

    seconds, minutes and numbers are global variables (number)

    Set text to timeString every second - bingo!

    The only thing I'm missing now is how to set for my own timezone ??

  • I just worked out that 23 is 11pm (took me a while to work out, until I reran it and it was 0) - which is good, other than it not displaying the dividerCharacter or minutes; also (this may be a basic question) but how to make this equivalent to my timezone (GMT+13) ?

    Thanks again :)

  • That sounds ideal - flashing colon and all!!

    Next question, though, putting it all together -- other than creating a text object and doing a Set Text to 'timeString', where do all the other bits go? Do they start as global variables of 0, and the Set commands On start of layout, then every second?

    So far my capx is just returning 23 -- so there's something I'm not putting in the right place.

    Thanks (still quite new at this) :)

  • I'm wanting to replicate a vintage digital watch game, and include the watch part.

    To do this I'm guessing I'll want to get the system time and display it HH:MM with the colon flashing every second (also at five past nine I want it to display 9:05 (not 9:5)).

    I've looked at Browser.ExecJS("Date()") and have got a close result with mid(Browser.ExecJS("Date()"),16,5) but, of course, there's no flashing colon, and where zeroes should be, there isn't.

    I've also looked at the Rex plugin and while I found the Construct3 version, I couldn't find the moment.js plugin for formatting the output.

    What would be the best way to achieve this if, indeed, it's even possible?

    Thanks :)

  • Thanks for that; I think you're right — sometimes I think there are more invisible/hidden sprites in my games than visible ones!

  • Is it possible to set the elasticity of a physics object based on where another object collides with it?

    For example with a pinball game, when the ball hits the top of a slingshot, it should have a little elasticity because it's hitting rubber, but when it hits the side of the slingshot there should be more elasticity because it's getting physically repelled.

    Is there a way to adapt the elasticity for two different parts of the same object, or does it have to be two different objects, one hidden possibly?


  • Looks great — and has so many applications! Can't wait to see the finished result

  • Thanks for the responses and for clarifying the best approach.

    The question stemmed from a Udemy course I watched where one object was given a *lot* of extra points:

    so on one hand I thought this could be applied to the playfield too, the warnings that popped up made me want a definitive answer from the experts (thanks!)

    Box2D+ looks interesting — I'll definitely check it out

  • Thanks for the reply — much appreciated; so to answer my original question multiple shapes with more points collectively is preferable to a single large shape with more than the accepted number of points, as far as performance is concerned?

    I'm fine with having a notification pop up when I add the first point past the accepted number, but one notification is enough — by that point I'm aware I've gone over so subsequent notifications are overkill, just a suggestion for UX.

    The extra points are based on the curve of the shape and the ball (in this case) having to travel smoothly around it.

    Thanks again

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  • I'm making a pinball game and the playfield is an irregular shape (like pinball playfields generally are).

    To use a single shape for the playfield it needs around 30 points to define the collision polygon (complete with warnings of reduced performance).

    Is it better to use multiple shapes to create the playfield (each with say, 6 points) or to have all the points on a single shape?


    NB - can the warnings of too many points on a polygon be disabled? I kind of got it after the first extra point, but it repeats itself and each warning has to be dismissed.

  • Thanks for the replies — makes perfect sense. I've done it with squares, and was fine, but looked a little messy (even though the player never sees that view) so was looking for a way to make it neater and easier to create than use multiple blocks