milkstudio's Forum Posts

  • Not the best way I'd imagine, but functional at least :)

    Separate sprites, with correct sequence based on angle of sprites.

  • Thanks Lancifer - much appreciated! I have looked at the Plumber Puzzle but, alas, the advanced examples are well above my current skill level.

    In a tutorial (for C2) I found on YouTube, they have used each pipe piece as a separate sprite and this may be the way I have to go until I can upskill :)

  • I'm making a pipe puzzle as part of a larger game and am looking for the best way to know when the correct sequence of pipes has been achieved.

    Like many pipe games of this kind, the player clicks each piece which rotates 90 degrees each time.

    The layout will be fixed, since it's a solve-once-and-move-on. But after experimenting and watching the very few video tutorials I could find, I think pinning connector sprites (the orange blocks) to image points on each piece may be the easiest way to do it.

    Ideally I'd like all the pipe pieces to be a single sprite make up of different frames. Likewise, there to be a single connector sprite with multiple instances, but so far I can't work out how to do this.

    If they are all separate sprites I can use

    On start of layout > Pin spr_connector_1 to spr_pipe_1 Image Point 1

    > Pin spr_connector_2 to spr_pipe_1 Image Point 2

    > Pin spr_connector_3 to spr_pipe_2 Image Point 1

    And make the game complete when

    spr_connector_1 is overlapping spr_connector_2

    spr_connector_3 is overlapping spr_connector_4

    spr_connector_5 is overlapping spr_connector_6

    etc etc

    but this seems quite an inefficient way of doing it.

    I'm sure there is a better way and would appreciate some guidance on how to achieve the same result in a more appropriate method.

    Another way I was thinking was to have the connector sprites not pinned to anything - just being set to a fixed position, but don't know if this would scale well across different platforms (outside of html5).

    Many thanks :)

  • Thank you Felixoo, dop2000 and oosyrag (once again!) for the recommendations and suggestions.

    It might be a backwards way of doing it (and probably lucky it was a small project) but I ended up remaking the project in Construct 2 and importing the capx into Construct 3 where it pulled through that function call and works fine (not sure how it will go if I ever try and edit that line though).

    Next time I think I'll try the script execution from a variable - looks like the simplest way without delving into function maps.

  • I'm following this old C2 tutorial to make a Simon game:

    There are four relevant functions:





    In the array are values "Blue" "Red" "Green" and "Yellow"

    The idea is to call a function "play" & whichever of the array values the simonSays variable requires to return the correct function above.

    The original tutorial did it like this:

    But I can't see how this is possible in the Construct 3 function options.

    The c3p (mine) is available here:

    The original tutorial capx and online demo are long since gone unfortunately.

    Many thanks :)

  • Oh wow - brushfe you've nailed it! I doubt I ever would have got there without your example (the subevent / order I'd have struggled to get my head around) - much appreciated, thanks so much!

    oosyrag your example is also excellent - thanks! I think I got something close to this but in my use case, the enemy generation didn't work like your example does so might have been in the way I was ordering it, or something was cancelling it out.

    In any case, thanks to everyone who helped out with this - great community - and I can save AdvancedRandom for another day!

  • Thanks to all RadioMars, fedca, oosyrag for your suggestions.

    Having spent several hours trying to adapt demos and follow tutorials to make this fit my use case, none are working unfortunately. I guess my brain just doesn't logic this way, but I thank you for your efforts to help.

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  • Thanks oosyrag for your reply and suggestion!

    I've tried several ways of doing what you suggest, but aren't getting it (unusual results abound).

    Here's the enemy generating event - where would I put the if/else etc?

    Probably easiest if I just post the c3p - might make it simpler to see what I'm trying to accomplish :)

    Thanks again!

  • Each time an enemy is generated, its position is chosen from 1 of 5 positions using an instance variable:

    Set enemy_position to floor(random(1,5))

    Ideally a new enemy wouldn't be positioned in the same place as the enemy before it (although it would be fine for the enemy after this one to be placed in that original position so it doesn't need to fill each position 1,2,3,4,5 before repeating, just not in the same place twice, one after the other).

    I set enemy_position to a global variable 'lastgenerated' so am really looking for a command along the lines of

    Set enemy_position to floor((random(1,5) excluding lastgenerated)) -- which, of course, doesn't work - but that's the kind of logic I'm hoping exists without having to create an array, or AdvancedRandom etc.

    Is this possible?

    Many thanks :)

  • Thanks lionz ! That was it :)

    Much appreciated - and for the fast reply too!!

  • Greetings,

    I'm making a version of Nintendo Game & Watch 'Helmet' in Construct 3 and thought I could deal with the falling objects as one sprite 'enemy'.

    In the screen shot below, I've created one 'enemy' sprite which has five different animations - hammer, bucket, pliers, screwdriver, spanner.

    I've made a global variable 'enemyposition' which sets the size and position of the animation.

    The thing I can't do is create/spawn an enemy every x seconds, have it choose 'enemyposition 1-5' and play the animation, since each time a new object is created, the animation before moves to the size/position of 'enemyposition'. And if I try to destroy an enemy after the animation has finished, it destroys them all.

    Should I have created five separate sprites instead, with a single animation each, rather than try and consolidate them into one enemy, or is there a way I can achieve this and just can't see what I'm meant to do?

    Many thanks :)

  • Well I decided to knuckle down and give it my best shot, and three days later this is the result. It's easy to pick holes in if you look closely enough (and there are probably waaay better ways to achieve the same result than the methods I used) but I'm pretty proud of it since its the first game I've really got close to completing. There are some other bits to add, like a clock screen and the sounds need to increase in speed as score increases, but it's pretty close to what I wanted to achieve.

    Thanks again to R0J0hound for the advice :) (NB not https://)

  • Many thanks for the reply R0J0hound - much appreciated :)

    I've recreated the tutorial in Construct:

    It's everything else that comes after - timing the falling objects, when they appear, adding a clock function, those kinds of things.

    So if someone was able to do a full tutorial for an existing game (I'd be happy to do the artwork) then I could apply this to any other LCD handheld going forward since they (generalisation) pretty much all work along the same lines.

  • Are there any tutorials for making a handheld LCD game / Nintendo Game & Watch style game?

    I have a number of consoles and would really like to replicate them as games in Construct but am at a loss.

    If there is a tutorial available for this - similar to this but for Construct: please let me know. Or if someone would be interested in making a tutorial I'd be happy to Paypal you a few bucks for your trouble.

    Thanks in advance :)

  • This is a follow-up to another question I asked here:

    I'm getting closer with the ball behaviour, and it's quite acceptable using keyboard or mouse on a computer.

    Using touch on the phone, though, it seems to randomly (or perhaps it's related to how it's touched) choose a velocity for the ball.

    I'd like, if it's possible, to have the touch be the same uniform consistency as I'm currently getting with keyboard/mouse. I've looked at touch settings but doesn't seem to be anything specific there.

    Many thanks :)