milkstudio's Forum Posts

  • Probably easier if I show pictures — if I have a racetrack like the first picture, a png with transparent background, then a reversed out version - second picture - to be the solid, the car doesn't move at all.

    Would this be because Construct3 (or 2) doesn't support the alpha channel and treats the whole thing as a solid, or am I doing something wrong?

    Many thanks

  • Thanks for all the feedback, I went ahead with the purchase (hey, it's only $12 right?) but initial impressions are that while it will no doubt be useful once I've reached the top of the learning curve, it doesn't have the jump-in-and-play feel that Construct2 offers.

    Megabeard, I've used Clickteam stuff on and off for years (since Klik and Play, and The Games Factory) which is maybe why Construct2 seems like such a familiar piece of software.

    GMS will be one of those 'when I get around to it' applications I'm guessing, but no harm in having it in the meantime, just in case.

    On the whole I'm pretty happy with Construct2 and am eagerly awaiting the Mac port of Construct3 when it sees the light of day.

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  • I own Construct2 and love what it does, and have now seen Gamemaker's humble bundle so am considering buying it too.

    While I think for $12 you can't really lose (aside from having to buy additional export modules and this isn't really about price) it is another piece of software to learn, quirks to overcome, processes to develop etc and for what? If Construct2 (and 3 when it sees the light of day) does everything Gamemaker does there isn't really much point in having both, particularly given the time you would spend getting to grips with the new software.

    So my question is, for those people who have both or have tried both to the point of completing games, is there any benefit in having both of them in your arsenal; do you look at the game you are considering building and make an educated decision on which to use to develop it?