[beh] Box2d+ (2.3.0 emscripten) [update: 2017-11-18]

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  • Ok. Quick update. A platform behavior capx is all well and good, but I think it's a little complicated for a beginner to use. So I'm going to make a helper plugin that'll control the platform movement as well as making it easy to manage one way doors and floors. This'll take me a couple of weeks go get right, then I'll be ready to release the whole package. Cheers.

  • Thanks for your work Colludium, this is a very interesting project, looking forward to the next update!

  • it seems cool!

  • Colludium

    Its looking great. Is it possible to add a true center of gravity to objects? Like a hammer for instance.

  • spongehammer, Waltuo, totoyan - thanks! And yes, you could make up a body of different densities by joining different objects with different densities using the assimilate joint (join them as fixtures). There's no way otherwise to set the center of gravity, but you can get it.

    Platform behavior is coming along. I expect it'll be ready in a couple of weeks if I can find time to work on it. If there's going to be a further delay then I'll release the main plugin and promise to follow up with the helpers asap.

  • Looks great — and has so many applications! Can't wait to see the finished result

  • Thanks, milkstudio

    Just to let everyone know that the platformer assist plugin is coming along and should be ready at the end of the month, along with a wall/floor assist plugin (equivalent to the solid / jump-through plugins) to compliment each other.

    I'm going to over-ride the ability for the programmer to set the collision shape for the 'player' object because it's very easy to create shapes that will catch on floor corners. The one-way doors and floors will over-ride the collision index settings as well. More to come next week.

  • Sigh. And hurrah! I've managed to get PreSolve functions to work without causing a massive performance hit. This means some extra events will soon be available in the main plugin, so you'll be able to carry out your own collision filtering at runtime (in addition to mask bits and collision index). It also means that I'll have to do a slight re-write of the Platform helper behavior that was approx 85% complete. Instead of raycasting all over the place and taking control of the Collision Index filter, it would be more efficient to use the PreSolve function.

    My real work has been getting in the way of my work on this plugin lately, so progress has been slow - I expect to have it ready in a few weeks. Sorry for the delay, but I have changed my mind about releasing it early in case any more potentially breaking-changes are made between now and its release.

  • Colludium

    great work so far!

    Is it possible to simulate water surface?

  • Colludium

    great work so far!

    Is it possible to simulate water surface?

    Thanks! Good idea. Having thought about It, it might very well be possible to add a buoyancy feature. This would involve defining a buoyancy line (the water surface position and water density via events) then have an algorithm to sequence through each fixture and determine the push force and position. I think I could make that work - iforce2d has a tutorial, iirc.

    As soon as the platform helper is complete then I'll release the behaviour and work on this additional feature, perhaps as another helper plugin.

  • Excellent!

    Looking forward to it.

  • Great job Colludium can't wait to play around with the plugin.

    Speaking of playing around with the plugin, why don't you release the physics plugin already without the platform helper plugin?

    I personally don't need the platformer part and would love to already use the physics plugin and possibly find bugs/problems you might have missed, if you dont want to do that, that's obviously fine too.

    Also, it is awesome that you actually took the time to write a manual for your plugin as well.

    That way people don't have to look for inforamtion by scrolling through a ton of forum pages

  • Great job Colludium can't wait to play around with the plugin.

    Speaking of playing around with the plugin, why don't you release the physics plugin already without the platform helper plugin?

    I personally don't need the platformer part and would love to already use the physics plugin and possibly find bugs/problems you might have missed, if you dont want to do that, that's obviously fine too.

    Also, it is awesome that you actually took the time to write a manual for your plugin as well.

    That way people don't have to look for inforamtion by scrolling through a ton of forum pages

    Thanks! And you make a very good point - I wanted it all to work together but, to be honest, the physics behavior is the only one of importance, the others are nice-to-have free additions. I will do just that - expect the plugin to be released in the next few days!!

  • Personally I'm very interested in the platform functionality, so hopefully you'll have time/interest to continue to work on that even if you decide to release rest of the behavior early Either way, thanks and I'm keeping my eye on this!

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  • Personally I'm very interested in the platform functionality, so hopefully you'll have time/interest to continue to work on that even if you decide to release rest of the behavior early Either way, thanks and I'm keeping my eye on this!

    Thanks. And absolutely. My real job is killing my spare time, so progress is slow, but I will complete the platform behaviour element, even if it kills me. It'll be good to get the main plugin out to confirm no bugs.

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