midnight's Forum Posts

  • Huh, no clue! I notice the event "bring to front" for the mover also stops movement, so take that out. Otherwise, not sure!

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  • I'm not sure what your problem is, you setup here seems very solid heh heh...(lame)

    I think what deadeye said holds much weight though, that coming additions to the platform behavior will eventually solve your problem.

    If this is for a project you want to work on I say just use what you have now, then later you can swap it for the jump through platforms.

  • I applaud your efforts. It can be v e r y tedious but just think that new construct users will come to your example for all their learning! What great joy that would bring, to help those in need!

  • I remember the old art packs that came with Klik n Play. And then you had the Romeo game with the Pie Devil, that counting game wiht hedgehogs, the space shooter, and Reversi. Ah, those were the innocent days...

  • Wow I like your style! Very bright and cartoony! I'll check it out when I get out of school.

    You're a teacher? What class do you teach?

  • Oh I forgot about the bones thing. Great! Now that's one less thing we have to do, should help animation TREMENDOUSLY!

  • Uh I don't know what going on with this one...LMAO

    but anyways, I can only get it to shoot, and nothing more.

    This...creeps me out....

  • hm lol to be honest I've never messed with turning full screen on and off at runtime, so I dunnos as of yet ******* saw this poor unanswered topic and wanted to help

  • I've never actually play Geometry Wars so I can't really compare them, but it's pretty cool! If you spin around shooting you can just wipe everything out easily lol

  • Oh maybe I confused you

    *edit* Maybe I confused myself LOL

    But actually I think I nailed it, se hyv��!

  • Hey dude! You sound upset! No worries!

    Alright, so I got to spend more quality time with the storm fighter. I will give an extensive review to help aid you as much as I can. A critique can help you view your project from other people's perspective, and also show strengths and weaknesses you may have not previously seen!

    I am keeping in mind this is a work in progress by the way

    My only goal is to help you as much and as friendly as possible!

    Okay, the title uses to option boxes with a custom made box labeled "play". Try to keep a consistent style for your boxes, and I would say that using your own made ones it the only way to go for a game. Using the "windows box" is only acceptable for applications IMO.

    The opening scene is confusing, as we aren't sure who we are playing as, much less what is going on. Let the player know who they are controlling, and give more indication as to what is happening. The old man can run by very fast, yelling "Helllllp!! They're trying to eat me!" and then the turtles can scurry on by. Then Ray can say "I guess I have to help him..." and then we can control movement.

    On the first fight, the turtles should just surround the old man, since he was their target anyways. Also, being the first fight sequence, the player needs to learn the controls. The player should not be able to die here no matter what. If he looses all hp then a cut scene where the old man revives Ray can take place. (Just say he was able to beat off the turtles or something).

    With the dialogue, allow more room for the text's length. I had a period from line 1 appear in line 2. Make it only show one speech at a time; just use a button press or click to allow the player to view the next sentence. And the friendship icon is obviously ripped. Don't mix your graphics, it's always best to make your own, no matter your ability. Give us some information on why the player has to kill 5 turtles. Are they after the old man for some purpose? Are they a nuisance to him?

    The second fight is scary! There is way too much going on, and too many changes have taken place. The sword attack is different (seems shorter), the turtles can now shoot, and the health displays are shown. For the first quest the player needs to gain confidence, so make it an easy victory. It's very easy to make difficult levels, but it's hard to make balanced levels. I died on all four plays without knowing why. It's way too hard!

    Hope none of that came off hard...

    If you guys need any help just let me know! I'm more than willing to assist!

  • hey arcticus can you share some of that jump on enemy code? I've been trying to perfect my setup and want a little comparison...

  • Hey I only got to try like a minute of it earlier, but I'll give a good report back in the morning.

  • hm i have never had that problem...that's weird! If you still cant get it to work, just send me the info and I can post it for you. I'm sure the Scirra team is dying for more bugs to fix! /sarcasm lol

  • Yeah the 3d box would be a nice alternative to isometric sprites, I say go for it!


    crazy skulls


    crazy skulls 2

    http://midnightgames.50webs.com/crazysk ... ution.html

    crazy skulls revolution

    (made in games factory, it's broken big time cuz tgf's object limit)