Maximuspl's Forum Posts

  • Is somewhere available fade effect for layers?

    I know i can use tiled background for change opacity but i dont want use object to make fade

    only effect for layer?

  • its possible to make similiar graph/ diagram when i type R , G , B color ammount to receive something like this?

  • i have this same since relase 330 and up shame

  • You're rotating towards an offset to the players X,Y.

    What I think you wanted is to offset the rotation, not the position you're rotating towards.

    Try just 'Rotate towards positon; PlayerCollision.X, PlayerPlayerCollision.Y'

    Then just switch the sprite to the corresponding face of the 3D object.

    Assuming you want the 3DObject to directly face the player at all times.

    Actually in fact the Zombies should already be doing exactly what you're trying to achieve if I understand your intention correctly.

    Have a look at how those are setup in the template.

    Something is wrong with expression

    here is link for example, please fix Construct 3 logo sprite to rotate toward player

  • Then just switch the sprite to the corresponding face of the 3D object.

    Assuming you want the 3DObject to directly face the player at all times.

    I know i can use 3D obiect with face or Zombies in example who rotate always at player but this time i try figure out how do this with Sprite, but sprite behave otherwise than 3Dshape :)

  • On gif i use simple sprite with elevated mesh poligons to make this tank tall.

    But i cant solve right rotation in 3D



  • hi, how do i Track Enemy zombie position in Example 'Foggy outbreak' ?

    When i hold RMB, 3d camera should rotate camera at nearest enemy?

    when i relase RMB i have control again

  • For example i have text object with size 500x500 and i display very long text, i see on preview only first lines of text because the rest of the text cannot be displayed because the area is too small

    So its possible to scroll down to see other countries statistics?

  • If you have a complex system of NPCs and dialogues, you might need to store the progress in some data object, I recommend JSON.

    For example, there may be a record in JSON for each NPC, where you can track if the player has talked to that NPC, how many times, their friendship status etc.

    > {
    "NPC": "Governor",
    "DialogueCount": 2,
    "Location": "Town",
    "Attitude": "friendly"

    Thanks, i think this will be good reason to start learning JSON

  • It's not possible.

    Why do you need to do this?

    You can use a global variable to store data between layouts. So when you switch to the second layout, check the value in the global variable and update the sprite if needed.

    For example: Im start in Layout called 'Town' in this map you can't have interaction with Town governor NPC, because his instance variable 'Dialogue' is 0 at start (should be 1 to take action)

    When i leave this map, to other Layout map called 'Village' here i can have interaction with other NPC, after that interaction - NPC Governor should have changed instance variable 'Dialogue' to 1 and now posibility to talk/ do action

    I know i can make with Global variable, but for all NPC's in future ? ;/

    i already have lot Global variables in game ( its RPG game, so lot of statistics)

    Is there no other option than setting everything in Global variable?

  • How can i change variable of Sprite when this sprite is not on another layout?

    Example player start on Layout 1

    Sprite is in Layout 2

    what can i do in event sheet when to make changes in instance variables of Sprite that is in another Layout?

  • how i can change position of sprite object in start layout when player leave this layout to tayout 2, and back again to layout 1?

    For example in layout 1 i have sprite with position 50x,50y when i go to edge map of start layout 1, when overlapping 'exit area': Go to next layout 2, now i again when touch exit area to go again to start layout 1

    and now sprite object should have new position also position should be saved for future?

    Because this UID 10 sprite object blocking path so player must use exit area first and back again to layout 2 to see changed position

  • its possible to add to project .txt file with lines of text

    and display randomly in game?

  • Guys but where i should start, i found somewhere on forum examples?

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  • What exactly are you having trouble with? It's not much different than any other clickable interactable object.

    If dialogue is waiting for response

    On 1 clicked, do something

    On 2 clicked, do something

    On 3 clicked, do something

    On 4 clicked, do something

    Although for most classic rpgs, they all actually do the same thing, which is to advance the dialogue anyway.

    I need to learn mechanics not for one question but whole conversation for each NPC.

    Where store all texts for each NPC.

    Better use event sheet only or JSON ?

    Better use 4 text objects for each dialog option or its possible to use only one text object to display all 4 dialog options?