Maximuspl's Forum Posts

  • Do you need to save the entire game state, or only selected data?

    Here is how you save the entire game:

    I try comy events into my game and when i save game and invoke download i receive 0kb savegame file (?)

  • If you know the IIDs of two instances, you can do this without the family:

    Slot(iid1).AnimationFrame=1 | Slot(iid2).AnimationFrame=2

    No i dont know what IID they have, i dont see this information in properties anywhere (?)

  • You mean compare animation frames of TWO instances of the same sprite?

    The easiest solution is to use a family. Add slot to a family, and use two conditions:

    > Slot animation frame=1
    SlotFamily animation frame=2

    Its working Thank you! :)

    i try before with subevents or compare two values but family is working for me

  • i have Sprite called 'Slot' i copied few times in layout for a simple inventory.

    Slot have default animation form 0 to 3




    3- mixed salad

    so player is clicking on slot and after LMB click animation frame is +1 RMB -1 (to change image of fruits)

    Question how can i make A CONDITION

    when i see in inventory Slot.animation frame is 1 (banana) and slot.animationframe is 2 (apple) play audio?

  • i have working slot inventory in my game.

    I need to do condition, if player have in slot 1 item X have animation frame 1 (first frame is wood for example) and in other slot i have animation frame 2 (steel)

    ALSO each slot have variable called 'ammount' and each slot have different numbers for wood or steel in backpack

    So i make this event logic but dont work

    i need to check inventory for this two items in slots to make event 'CRAFT'

    Also i try this combination but also dont work

  • i try save as folder and c3p but dont work

    i try ave in diferent location (download folder also)

    i try save on other SSD using usb connection

    where is problem?


    Prabably this is other case (maybe) when i try save on dropbox i receive short message when upload was 100% but on dropbox c3p file was not saved


  • > I’d been thinking of posting my project’s stats and asking everyone to share theirs. My projects relatively small compared to yours - I’d guess around 10%. Yours seems huge - I’d love to know how others compare.

    > Has the saving time slowly increased as you’ve worked on the project or has it recently jumped up?

    For me, it scaled in proportion to my project size (so one could say slowly). However, it got to the point where it was no longer reasonable. Without the project folder method, I think it would be quite difficult to work with larger projects.

    Im glad its possible to can have bigger projects

  • stripe payment addon in game for PAY TO WIN ? :D

  • Could you share a screenshot of your project statistics? Right click your project's name, view statistics.

    This will tell us how big your project is.

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  • Hi, when i try save to project folder my game.

    I must wait 20 minutes to finish save process.

    Everything work slow, take look at image,

    Saving takes almost 10GB of RAM memory this in normal ?

  • thanks guys i downloaded to storage nwjs versions and now i can export game without downloading tools every time

  • I am using the internet from my smartphone, which has limited internet transfer data. How can I change the settings so that Construct 3 doesn’t download the NWJS version every time for each platform when i try export game?

    1. that cost time

    2. that cost transfer

    3. sometimes error pop up so i must export again and again


  • I just discovered that Timeline Controller plugin allows to interpolate a value from a custom ease. So if you manually create a random/chaotic ease curve, you can display a random portion of it. Here is a demo:

    very interesting, i added 3 slider bars called SliderBarR, SliderBarG, sliderBarB

    and changed your code line to control colors as:

    "rgba(qarp(0,0,SliderBarR.Value,n), qarp(0,SliderBarG.Value,0,n), qarp(SliderBarB.Value,0,0,n), 100)"

    but its possible to control height using sliders?

    for example when i raise Red color slider, graph on right side (red) increase, but Green and Blue not?

  • > Its not what im looking for but solution is still good, because tween have ping pong option so once started fade to opacity 100 after that come back to 0.


    > i use this, thank you kind game developers

    Works fine for me, here is an example:

    Make sure you set the tween Ease to something like Linear if you haven't done so, as the other tweens have different effects like bounce etc...

    I was serious, tween its working for me very well im glad you helped my guys

  • Its not what im looking for but solution is still good, because tween have ping pong option so once started fade to opacity 100 after that come back to 0.

    i use this, thank you kind game developers