How do I compare two animation frames in one sprite to do something?

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From the Asset Store
Selection frame like in RTS games, works both on mobile and desktop devices.
  • i have Sprite called 'Slot' i copied few times in layout for a simple inventory.

    Slot have default animation form 0 to 3




    3- mixed salad

    so player is clicking on slot and after LMB click animation frame is +1 RMB -1 (to change image of fruits)

    Question how can i make A CONDITION

    when i see in inventory Slot.animation frame is 1 (banana) and slot.animationframe is 2 (apple) play audio?

  • Use a sub event with the same click event and say if animation frame = 1 or 2 then play audio easyy

  • You mean compare animation frames of TWO instances of the same sprite?

    The easiest solution is to use a family. Add slot to a family, and use two conditions:

    Slot animation frame=1
    SlotFamily animation frame=2
  • You mean compare animation frames of TWO instances of the same sprite?

    The easiest solution is to use a family. Add slot to a family, and use two conditions:

    > Slot animation frame=1
    SlotFamily animation frame=2

    Its working Thank you! :)

    i try before with subevents or compare two values but family is working for me

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  • If you know the IIDs of two instances, you can do this without the family:

    Slot(iid1).AnimationFrame=1 | Slot(iid2).AnimationFrame=2

  • If you know the IIDs of two instances, you can do this without the family:

    Slot(iid1).AnimationFrame=1 | Slot(iid2).AnimationFrame=2

    No i dont know what IID they have, i dont see this information in properties anywhere (?)

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