Maximuspl's Forum Posts

  • If i have one layer, and right mouse button is spawn sprite and left mouse button when i click on sprite > sprite destroy

    But when i spawn many sprites in this same place when i clink one time all have been destroyed.

    How destroy only first sprite? or first sprite on top, or just one random also will be good for me

    I need this solution for survival game with inventory. Reason is When player drop items, items are placed in this same place so its impossible to drag them to inventory one by one

    Pick up items back to inventory is when player overlapping item on ground and press space on keyboard

  • Probably all of you know that games always change the desktop resolution to the resolution set in the game options, of course it must be in full screen mode. Can a game made in construct also do this? The reason is obvious - better performance

  • No somehow that got worse. First condition - animation, add amount. (this means it already exists). second condition - Else, pick nearest to 0,0 where animation frame=0 and set the item id and add the amount.

    Ok, thanks for explonation, got it i will check this tommorow

  • I have one sprite wit 3 animation frames: 1kg, 2kg, 5kg

    What events should looks like when i want to calculate total weight?

    if frame animation 0 is displayed add 1kg

    if frame is 1 add to total 2kg

    if frame displays 2 animation frame add 5kg to total weight

    also when i click mouse button on one sprite weight total weight should calculate again

    when i spawn new weight also should sum all weights on game and display on text?

  • I think all you need though is condition animation frame = item.ID add 1 to amount, Else add to empty slot.

    But how to add to empty slot?

    if i understand well:

  • You can use Browser.language expression, it returns these codes:

    im sending you high five !

    thank you, this works

  • Your logic is the wrong way round, you first need to check if the slot exists which you are doing at the bottom. Then you can add an Else and run the logic that is currently at the top. I always promote the use of arrays for inventory though, it's much better and easier.

    Yes something in logic is broken. But always slots exist, always one slot is empty so even

    Arrays is dificult for me, i must try using simple sprites

    You mean i should add to events System condition 'Obiect UID exists'?

  • Hello, I need help adding items to my inventory. There are two items (green and red) each with a "Ammount" variable number that will be added to your inventory when you pick up an item from the ground.

    The problem for me is that when I pick up the same green items from the ground, each item gets added to the next slot. So more than 1 slot are occupied.

    I would like the green ones to gather in one slot and the red ones similar but in a different slot.

    This is my first question so far, maybe help will solve this problem.

    It's just that events recognize the fact that one of the slots already has the item.

    1 When in slots is no item and when we collect with the some ammount, one of the slots changes the animation frame, but...

    2 when the item is already in the inventory slot, the quantity is added to the existing one (does not create a new one)

    It's hard for me to get this effect because Construct "sees" that one slot is occupied but also sees that the slot next to it is empty and here is the problem

    my file:

  • Hi, im think about make few languages in my game.

    Of course i can set this in options but it is posibility to check automatically at start of game ?

    For example when someone is playing from USA set event to change translation to ENG but when is from Poland set translation to PL?

    i set in my game Global variable "LANGUAGE" so when is 0 its ENGLISH when is 1 its POLISH

  • macOs is compatible with apple silicon or only intel machines?

    i should use WKwebView or NWJS ?

  • hello im trying make simple drag and drop inventory.

    First thing how do i display dragging effect properly in 3d game?

    Because when i use set position to mouse.x and mouse.y dragged obiect is not under mouse cursor, thic can vbe repaired? (drag color and try move somewhere in viewport)

    Second thing i need help with right placing dragged items in empty slot.

    here is my example

  • I have one sprite object

    now when mouse button clicked on obiect sprite only one obiect are invisible, others are still visible,

    How hide all when oone have been clicked?

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  • How can i make pop up text of talking Pigs?


  • Thank you. :)

    Hi, interesting, my English is not very well, what you do to fix problem?

  • after install needed addon, i receive pop up window with information to restart construct 3 after restart a cant open project because addonis missing. I install again addon again and restart, still to the same information about missing addont, over and over again