How do I fix destroying enemies problem?

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From the Asset Store
Pixel Enemies for SHMUP consists of 45 enemy ship sprites to be used in your game.
  • Hello, I noticed one problem that arises when I destroy several enemies at the same time.

    My player uses a shotgun that fires 12 rounds at a time. often enemies are positioned so that they hit several at once. and it turns out that after killing a few of them, even though they have less than 0 HP, they still exist.

    My condition looks like this:

  • Enemy hp is 0 or less - destroy enemy

    Enemy On destroyed - Add XXX to Xp

  • Enemy hp is 0 or less - destroy enemy

    Enemy On destroyed - Add XXX to Xp

    Problem is, enemy dont want to be destroyed, not always...

    Adding the 'on destroyed' event will do nothing when the enemy, despite having below zero health, still exists on the map. bullets pass through it, doing no further damage

  • Get rid of the "Trigger Once" (which should always be at the bottom) and the "For Each" and just have:

    Enemy hp is 0 or less - destroy enemy

    On Enemy destroyed - Add X to Xp

    I don't understand why that shouldn't work. I'd have to see the cp3 file to see what's wrong.

    tomologames(at) gmail . com if you want me to take a look at it.

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  • Get rid of the "Trigger Once" (which should always be at the bottom) and the "For Each" and just have:

    Enemy hp is 0 or less - destroy enemy

    On Enemy destroyed - Add X to Xp

    I don't understand why that shouldn't work. I'd have to see the cp3 file to see what's wrong.

    tomologames(at) gmail . com if you want me to take a look at it.

    Ok i will check without for each and without trigger once, and I will send you a c3p file if I can't handle it. Thank you for the offers of help

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