What i can do to make Construct 3 work faster?

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  • Hi, when i try save to project folder my game.

    I must wait 20 minutes to finish save process.

    Everything work slow, take look at image,

    Saving takes almost 10GB of RAM memory this in normal ?

  • Could you share a screenshot of your project statistics? Right click your project's name, view statistics.

    This will tell us how big your project is.

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  • Could you share a screenshot of your project statistics? Right click your project's name, view statistics.

    This will tell us how big your project is.

  • I’d been thinking of posting my project’s stats and asking everyone to share theirs. My projects relatively small compared to yours - I’d guess around 10%. Yours seems huge - I’d love to know how others compare.

    Has the saving time slowly increased as you’ve worked on the project or has it recently jumped up?

  • I suggest saving your project as a folder. After the first time saving it will go much faster.

  • Has the saving time slowly increased as you’ve worked on the project or has it recently jumped up?

    For me, it scaled in proportion to my project size (so one could say slowly). However, it got to the point where it was no longer reasonable. Without the project folder method, I think it would be quite difficult to work with larger projects.

  • > I’d been thinking of posting my project’s stats and asking everyone to share theirs. My projects relatively small compared to yours - I’d guess around 10%. Yours seems huge - I’d love to know how others compare.

    > Has the saving time slowly increased as you’ve worked on the project or has it recently jumped up?

    For me, it scaled in proportion to my project size (so one could say slowly). However, it got to the point where it was no longer reasonable. Without the project folder method, I think it would be quite difficult to work with larger projects.

    Im glad its possible to can have bigger projects

  • Layouts: 3

    Event sheets: 4

    Total number of events: 450

    Total number of conditions: 487

    Total number of actions: 1223

    Total lines of JavaScript code: 0

    Object types: 166

    Families: 23

    I feel like an amateur!!!

  • Let's not abuse this thread for posting project statistics, I've made an extra thread because I've wanted to see people post those for a while anyway out of curiosity


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