So, where do we go from here? A large portion of users have projects that use very popular and important 3rd party plugins. What “should have been done” and what was “actually done” is not a matter of debate. It seems like a ticking time-bomb before even more projects become un-openable.
Some options for the most popular plugins:
- Scirra adopts them as official plugins. Therefore maintaining compatibility.
- Provide C3 event/action coding that accomplishes the same result as the plugin. This seems cumbersome if even possible.
- Users volunteer to keep them maintained. This perpetuates the situation.
- Inexperienced programmers learn to code their own plugins. This is contrary to the accessibility of C3.
- Do nothing. Hope for continued compatibility.
- ?
If popular plugins become abandoned, how do we address this looming disaster? What is our work-around/solution?