Hi everyone,
I second you — on this.
In development term, it's really fastidious, good practices or not, at a moment, to easily find something (no filter for project and object view), obliged to scroll constantly and lose the thread. Unlike C3, the worst for me is in C2 with a too very summary search functionnality.
No way to: filter only concerned lines, search in whole project and all event sheets, keep results in a dedied window, go to next or previous event, no visual highlighting on found elements, and when "clean search" is clicked, the focus on the last line is definetively lost, etc...
In short, I have the impression that we are forced to click or scroll constantly in all directions to find the way by losing another.
And I really "find" that really, really restrictive and constraining at this level for a professional development environment.
Bookmarks system is not very practice too and definitely limited. I had read before than it will be complicated to improve things cause C2's core but it still seems to me a huge gap between current limitations and expectations of a search function worthy of the name.
Ashley, can we still hope one day a significant improvement start of all this for C2 like for C3? Thank you.