marcel1980's Forum Posts

  • > marcel1980 : If you need retro-style graphics with sharp pixel edges, it wont work without pixel rounding. I mean it will, but you will have pixels flashing through and ugly anti-aliasing. Also Tiled objects an 9-patches will look messy...

    Hmm so far i didnt noticed but i havent tested so much :/. So currently the only chance is to wait for a new build of C2 with a fix?

  • I didn't knew that making a pixel platformer is such a pain in C2 + Cocoonjs. Very little forum support on vital questions, lots of obstacles, not a unified opinion whether to use pixel rounding or not, Cocoonjs not supporting letterbox integer scale, Local storage not working in Webview+ etc etc. Some of these vital things, should be covered in the basic tutorials like this scaling issue.

  • Looks like the exact same problem for me!

    when i set scale layout to 2 and more, my character animations begin to stutter in a strange way. There's like 1 px shaking on the animation. Am i doing something wrong? My character is a 32 x 32 sprite attached to an invisible behavior sprite. When i reduce the scale, it behaves normaly. Is this a bug??

    In the meantime, i found out that pixelrounding OFF does remove it. However i have to test it some more, but for now it looks smooth.

  • Hi marcel1980,

    you might face the same issue:

    Please post this also there!

    The platform behavior is shaky when set to rounded positions, like pixel rounding on. Do you have pixel rounding on? Ashley already wrote, there seem to be a rounding issue in construct 2 altogether. Since you scale in, it seems to cause the effect stronger. I also experience this, when scaling layers.

    Wow thanks! Actualy i found your answer couple of seconds ago on a very similiar complain and it looks like the pixel rounding did solve it . Im scaling 3x all sprites. Looks like the sprites got snaped which looked like jaggy movement. Hopefuly the pixel rounding off will not have other negative effects. Basicaly all my graphics are 1:1 pixels just rescaled. So hopefuly not?

  • Hi all,

    when i set scale layout to 2 and more, my character animations begin to stutter in a strange way. There's like 1 px shaking on the animation. Am i doing something wrong? My character is a 32 x 32 sprite attached to an invisible behavior sprite. When i reduce the scale, it behaves normaly. Is this a bug??

  • Hi all,

    i know this has been many times discused, but since there are so much combinations i would like to know what is the best setting for a pixel game exported via cocoonjs. Should i use the integer scale? Is it supported in cocoonjs? I also want to be sure that when running on a iphone6, the characters are not too small. Basicaly that the size ratio is the same.

  • While testing in debug mode, i get about 12 perc CPU usage at 60 fps. My game is a platformer with hundreds of lines of code. Is this number too big? I have very few -every tick- events overal.

  • Maybe... if you have animations for moves like dashing, falling, etc. use larger hitboxes specifically on these to counterbalance the movement speed. Assume a minimum framerate of 15fps, and given the size and speed of your object, and the size of other entities, you should know the size of a hitbox that can never tunnel through enemies or environment bits.

    I just tested on Webview+ and there's no errors. So that's one good message. I tried to make the bounding box of my character bigger, but that didn't helped.

  • Hi Refeuh,

    actually, it only happens on my iphone. On my desktop, it didn't happen a single time and i checked that a lot of times. Therefore i asume, that it caused by lower fps.

    Will try though with a biger bounding box how it behaves...

    Tunneling is an inherent problem of collision detection using discrete timesteps ; the framerate is actually irrelevant, as this can always happen as long as an object is moving "fast enough" (compared to its size).

    I haven't used the physics module of C2 yet, so I don't know any good solution from top of my head, but see if you find anything that relates to continuous collision detection (CCD, raychecks, extrusion, etc.) ; otherwise you might have to do some linecheck or swept surfaces manually.

    Alternatively, maybe use an additional bigger hitbox that's big enough given your level design to prevent tunneling ; knowing that your large box detects a collision but your smaller one doesn't, a collision *might* have happened, and you'll need more computations to know what actually happened

  • It gets extremly annoying when jumping on an enemy do hurt your character

  • Did anyone notice collision problems, when running on lower fps around 20 {on mobiles}? Still didn't found any solution to this and altough i plan to use WKWebview, i would expect them to work even on 20 fps!

  • i have the same problem with detecting colision on enemies when jumping on them...on my desktop everything is working as it should. however on mobile, sometimes my character gets hurt when jumping on enemy. This is extremly annoying and altough i plan to use wkwebview in my game, i would expect the collisions to work around 20 fps ! Did you found any solution??

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  • Thanks its working

  • Hi all,

    im having problems seting up a jumping fireball from the ground, which falls down after it reaches its peak. I tried several approaches, most logical seemed with platform behavior - simulate jump, but the object is dissapearing in the process which is really weird. Anyone got this done in the past? A capx would be great or just the right order of conditions would help!


  • Ah thanks that works . However it also triggers the 1st ability when pressed. I would have to add another condition to trigger the first one or the second one