MadSpy's Forum Posts

  • Congrats

  • digitalsoapbox

    check the line 3 of your translation.lang file is:


    insead of:


  • See my pull request to fix the error

    your runtime use available_language instead of availables using in your translation.lang file (or change the field availables to available_language in translation.lang)

  • digitalsoapbox You need to export to NW.js

  • you could test javascript + ActiveXObject + WScript.Shell but I think nw don't allow this

    • Post link icon

    codexsg offtopic??

    Project properties, field name...

  • You need to install/reinstall/repair microsoft visual c++ 2010

  • Try Construct 3

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  • you have to reset all key of web/localstorage manually

  • Steam overlay requiers a constant refresh frame even a blanck background could break overlay.

    As overlay needs DirectX to hook the game, run the directx9 install again could solve the issue

    And don't forget to add "--in--process-gpu" arg in package.json

  • Could you specify more info?

    • C2 version
    • Plugin version
    • NW.js version?
    • Steam API version?
  • Flump

    I suggest you to not postpone the release of your play...The plugin will be available shortly after your release (maybe soon before but I'm not sure for now).

    You can already prepare the trading cards (no need plugin for this) (I recommend a 30 minute drop rate) and any success you want to add

    I try to make the integration of the plugin as simple (and fast) as possible for a quick update

  • steam Api could be downloaded on steamworks main page (even if you don't have paid greenlight fee or if you don't have a game greenlighted)

    steam app ID could be owned when you have a game greenlighted

    once you have a greenlighted game, achievements/cloud setting/trading card/leaderboard/etc... could be set in your steamworks partner site for the greenlighted game and you can manage depot/build for your game (demo/test or beta, private or public/version etc...)

    Steam advises to not submit a game before it is finished, the integration of the API is at the end.

  • without steamapi.dll? none because without this file, steam api plugin isn't available (same in preview)

    without greenlighted game? you have access to user info and Steam UI language and errors for all other functions overlay should work with steam_app_id = 123456

  • yes and I think it's possible to link multiplayer plugin and steam chat lobby (manage friend invits, allow steam multiplayer achievements...) with a lot of work ^^

    Edit: But for now, release a fully working and stable plugin for Win7/8/10 (and Linux 32/64) compatible with nw14.0 is my priority ( lite version with overlay/DLC/achievements and other stuff and major version with leaderboard (request steamfriends leaderboard is coming))

    Edit2: and probably add workshop stuff (when I have finished my Win launcher for nw export with native windows screen resolution change)

  • TheRealDannyyy

    [quote:2b7pjrnm](Hopefully Ashley and/or the guys from greenheartgames won't give you any problems for creating this independently...)

    (I don't know why they would be against)

    [quote:2b7pjrnm]1. I don't really understand how the lobby works in combination with C2, could you please explain it in detail for me?

    In summary, Steam can create and manage lobby and C2+plugin can request for a new lobby and create it (for X users) and others users can join this lobby (with a request action)

    For now experimental Steam lobby is just a chat room using multiplayer support from Steam... not really interesting. Allow your app to be a Steam game server and using lobby as a real game lobby (wait others players, invite friends, matchmaking) and enter in multiplayer game with them will be better... but quite long to create (with JS).

    [quote:2b7pjrnm]2. I believe we talked privately about this feature some time ago but is it possible to fetch the steam users

    profile picture URL without a lot of workarounds on my end? (Preferably in one single expression if possible.)

    That's true. You can't download steam users profil picture URL, but you can request steam for users avatars. I tested some workaround with leaderboard but I'm not satisfied for now (and I use more than one single expression)