> Steam advises to not submit a game before it is finished...
What about early access then?
Kinda confusing on Valve's end if you ask me.
Thanks for your time, I think I got everything now.
If your game is near completion then I strongly advice you to submit it to greenlight as soon as possible. Just make sure that the greenlight page and trailer is as good as possible. The trailer is super important as most people don't even look at your text on the page before hitting the yes/no button
The greenlight process can take weeks/months/years or worst case never so it's better to submit it early. When the game is greenlit you don't have to worry. Because there is no pressure to release it. You can keep working on it until you feel it's ready for release.
And thanks to
MadSpy we'll soon have a fully functional plugin that works great with Steam. He has added so much great features to the plugin which are not included in the official greenworks plugin that doesn't work atm. So I really hope people understand how much work went into this plugin that finally gives us a chance to publish our games on Steam without any problems