MadSpy's Forum Posts

  • tested on win8.1 64b

  • Hi folks,

    Steam overlay works as intented even with popup notification when you unlock an achievement; on the new version for NW14

    (picture from 8bit Fiesta by Anonnymitet)

    Tested on Win7 32/64b

  • you can use CSS and clone object

  • Flump , Colludium Thank you ^^

    I plan to release the plugin this month. The plugin will include all the described features in my previous post (except lobby for now) and will support win32/64 and nw12/13.2 . Linux32/64 will release just after the initial release.

  • I have already encountered this problem

  • LDC Studios

    I suggest you publish the win64 and win32 and let the steam client install the right version, that should correct your issue

  • if abs(player.X-NPC.X) < range AND abs(player.Y-NPC.Y) < range { your action }

    If the range is the same for X and Y you could use: if distance(player.X, player.Y, NPC.X, NPC.Y) < range { your action }

  • LDC Studios

    Do you publish the win32 or win64 version of your game?


    your users have an exception error 0xc0000005? on an AMD CPU?

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  • Hi folks,

    Many of you have asked me some questions by email or private message, so here are some answers to frequently asked questions.(sorry for my approximate english)

    Which features are really available in your plugin?

    Expressions :

    User info

    The current user's Steam account ID.

    The current user's Steam static account ID.

    The current user's Steam screen name

    The current user's Steam level.

    The current language from Steam set in UI.

    Game info

    The number of achievements.

    The name of all achievements.

    The current language from Steam specifically set for the game.

    Leaderboard info

    The number of entry for current leaderboard

    The new rank of player for current leaderboard

    The previous rank of player for current leaderboard.

    The number of total entry by download function for current leaderboard.

    The number of entry used by download function for current leaderboard.

    The current leaderboard. (Type (around user or top10),rank#, player_name rank#, score rank #,....).

    [Experimental] Lobby info

    The current Lobby ID.

    The current Lobby Name.

    A list of available lobby the user can join.

    Actions :


    Activate a Steam achievement.

    Test if an achievement is unlocked

    Clear a Steam Achievement


    Activate the Steam game overlay for selected option.


    Enable/Disable Steam Cloud for the game/app


    Check if a leaderboard exist.

    Update a Leaderboard for current user (can keep best score or force update).

    Request download entries for current leaderboard.(Top 10 or Around User).

    [Experimental] Lobby:

    Create a public lobby for 4 players.

    Request a list of lobby the user can join.

    Conditions :

    Steam / Overlay

    Is available

    Overlay is available

    [Trigger][Event] Overlay is activated

    [Trigger][Event] Overlay is desactivated


    [Trigger] Achievement is unlocked (when you ask an achievement statut)

    [Trigger] Achievement is locked (when you ask an achievement statut)

    [Trigger]Steam unlock an achievement

    [Trigger]Steam fails to unlock an achievement.


    Steam cloud is activated by user (general cloud)

    Steam cloud is activated by user for THIS game/app


    [Trigger] Leaderboard is found (when you ask if the leaderboard exist or when you try to update or download a leaderboard)

    [Trigger] Leaderboard is updated

    [Trigger] Leaderboard isn't updated (Current score is better than score submitted)

    [Trigger] Leaderboard isn't updated (Current score is better than score submitted)

    [Trigger] Leaderboard General Error (Steam Fatal error (steam serveur down,...))

    [Trigger] Leaderboard isn't downloaded

    [Trigger] Leaderboard downloaded (you can call the "get leaderboard entries" expression.)

    [Experimental] Lobby

    [Trigger] A Lobby is created.

    [Trigger] Lobby is not created.

    [Trigger] List of Lobby the user can join downloaded.

    [Trigger] Steam can't download a list of lobby.

    [Trigger][Event] Steam sent a request because you are enter in a Lobby.

    [Trigger][Event] Steam sent a request because your lobby data was updated.

    [Trigger][Event] Steam sent a request because the Lobby receive a message (chat message or some user join/quit lobby).

    Which version of NW.JS does it support? Which version of C2 does it support?

    I currently do a lot of tests on Windows 7 Pro 64b with C2-216 and NW12.

    I already tested on Windows 7 64b with C2-221 and nw13-beta7, nw13-rc1/2/3/4 and nw13.2 - win8.1 pro 64 with C2-221 and nw13-rc1/2/3/4 and nw13.2 - linux (ubuntu) nw12 (without leaderboard and lobby features atm).

    Do you work on your plugin with(or for) Ashley?

    No, he never contacted me about this plugin.

    Where can I download your plugin? When do you think you can release it?

    Nowhere for now. I still working on it.

    I will release it once I have a test on a live game.(with leaderboard; lobby will come later I think)

    Can I test your plugin?

    Sorry, not for now.

    Which stuff are needed to make it work?

    I recommend a valid steamworks account (with a valid Steam App ID) and a greenlighted project. Without this, the plugin will not work with all features and can crash with advanced functions (leaderboard, lobby).

    The overlay works as intended?

    Once the game has a constant graphical refresh (refresh's canvas), the overlay appears to work correctly.(for the moment)

    Thanks for reading.


  • and be sure to consult the manual

  • the last version was released in june 2015. - not too old and so simple

    Thanks to share this tool korbaach

  • I think you can close this thread as Solved - I will post the download link for this plugin soon

  • I quickly created a node-webkit-advanced plugin with node-webkit original features plus extra features (Quit app, SetWindowPositionToCenter, enter fullscreen, leave fullscreen, trigger when lost focus, trigger on focus, force quit app when on close event...)

  • Danwood

    You could test this little app (64b) to test center position if you want.

    Works on Win7 64b, I don't trest on win8.1/win10 atm.