LoobyLoo's Forum Posts

  • There are many ways you can pull this, most easy way is by assigning the instance variable. This way you can pick and differentiate the instances of the same object, and give your desired action individually.

  • I recommend taking the time to learn more about the tool you're working with. Familiarize yourself with its features. Try to play with some inbuilt templates that Construct 3 provides.

    These can serve as valuable starting points.

    As for organization, it's somewhat subjective and can vary depending on the specific task or project. However, a few general tips include creating a clear structure or hierarchy for your work, using labels or categories, and maintaining consistency in naming and formatting. Ultimately, the more time you spend using the tool, the better you'll become at organizing your work effectively

  • To simplify what the OP has asked,

    When applying the 'Tile Movement' behavior to a Sprite and put into the layout. Set its initial position somewhere else at the start of the layout, the sprite initially starts at the correct position (which we were given at the start of the layout) but then moves back automatically to its initial position on the layout.

    It seems like the behavior is the same across older versions (I checked some 2019 versions of c3, and it is still the same behavior ), maybe this 'Tile Movement' was designed to be like this, I do not know, maybe this is a bug, I couldn't find any information about it in the Construct 3 manual.

    As a workaround, you can place the player near the 'warpobject'.

    Maybe others have better solutions.

    If you think it's a bug, you can report it here

    Here is the test c3p

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  • First of all welcome to C3 and the forum as well.

    The event sheet screenshot that you have attached is mix of foreign language so I couldn't able to decode fully but if I guess

    I haven't managed to do so far is add the animation for the shot, and a time for each shot

    What I understand from the above is, that you want to set up a bullet for your player right? So you already have the bullet-firing logic right? now you want to animate the player in such a way that it will look like it firing the bullet? For that, while the bullet is spawning you have to play the animation of the bullet firing in the action.

    Apologize if I'm mistaken.

    I saw people saying that because it's variable, it's easier to configure and it's more organized, I don't really understand

    In short, variables are crucial for organizing your code and managing the data in your game. Whether you use a variable, an instance variable, a global variable, or a local variable depends on your specific needs and the scope of the data you're working with.

    You might use instance variables for each enemy's health, global variables for the player's score, bullet speed, player speed, etc.

  • Sound like you need to use the BBCode, recently BBCode code has lots of exciting updates too.

    To know more about this


    I hope this helps.

  • Here is the everything you ever posted (Question wise)


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    🤩 wow, congrats dop

  • Actually, if you look at it another way, it is the same thing when you save the .c3p file. .c3p file is nothing but a zip file, so whenever we save and replace c3p, construct creates a fresh .c3p, delete the previous one, and paste the new one, this is what happened in a nutshell.

  • Posted it on GitHub/Construct-bugs


  • Okay.

    What do you think "the palm sprite not honoring its parent's XY position" part, is This an issue?

    but the palm sprite not honoring its parent's XY position.


  • Okay, this way it ends up becoming the same thing that I want to avoid in the first place, which is

    + Body: Pick All children LeftHand

    + Body: Pick All children RightHand

    The RightHand and LeftHand are the children of the Body, if there is a way we can pick every child under a parent, it will be much simpler.

    Since you said it, Now I know, that since there is no other way of doing this efficiently, I have no option other than to stick with this, unless they introduce this Pick Every Children feature.

    Just one question, I going to file idea suggestions for these three features "Pick Every Children feature" and the second is this and third is this.

    So do you find this to be a sensible idea? Can I expect a validation from Dop2000 for the same? Don't get me wrong, before I file the idea suggestion, I think I should gather input from experts, so I can able to represent it better on the idea page, so there would be more chance that they would accept it. :) I'm looking forward to hearing what you think about it.

  • The arrow part, this looks so cool 🤩

  • If you pick family instances in a condition, you are supposed to use the same family in all actions and sub-events.

    Body Pick all FamilyParts

    .. FamilyParts rotate

    Here the LeftHand instances are not picked, so all LeftHands on the layout will rotate:

    Body Pick all FamilyParts

    .. LeftHand rotate

    How? This way everything inside the "FamilyParts" family will rotate 😅

  • Actually, I tried this way, but it not working, maybe I'm doing it wrong?

    Here is the test c3p.

  • Hi igortyhon

    To my sha.....

    I must be.......

    Don't say it like that, you are best, you helped so many people including me, thanks for being an active contributor to the community. :)