How do I fix this bug with the tile movement?

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  • I'm currently working on an RPG project that includes a warping mechanism to move the player between different layouts. I'm experiencing an issue where the player gets teleported to the "door" in the new layout correctly, but then glides back to the default spawn point set in the editor. I think it might have something to do with the tile movement overriding the set position command and forcing it to glide back to the expected position? The logic is in "base_warp" event sheet.

    Here is the project if you would like to have a look:

    The only warp point I have currently set up is the one that goes from "calmtown" to "mysteryforest" (east from calmtown, west from mysteryforest).

    I am not sure if I am missing something. I am relatively new to Construct 3. Thank you if you are able to help!

  • To simplify what the OP has asked,

    When applying the 'Tile Movement' behavior to a Sprite and put into the layout. Set its initial position somewhere else at the start of the layout, the sprite initially starts at the correct position (which we were given at the start of the layout) but then moves back automatically to its initial position on the layout.

    It seems like the behavior is the same across older versions (I checked some 2019 versions of c3, and it is still the same behavior ), maybe this 'Tile Movement' was designed to be like this, I do not know, maybe this is a bug, I couldn't find any information about it in the Construct 3 manual.

    As a workaround, you can place the player near the 'warpobject'.

    Maybe others have better solutions.

    If you think it's a bug, you can report it here

    Here is the test c3p

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  • Thanks, I will report it as a bug.

  • I'm currently working on an RPG project that includes a warping mechanism to move the player between different layouts. I'm experiencing an issue where the player gets teleported to the "door" in the new layout correctly, but then glides back to the default spawn point set in the editor. I think it might have something to do with the tile movement overriding the set position command and forcing it to glide back to the expected position? The logic is in "base_warp" event sheet.

    Here is the project if you would like to have a look:

    The only warp point I have currently set up is the one that goes from "calmtown" to "mysteryforest" (east from calmtown, west from mysteryforest).

    I am not sure if I am missing something. I am relatively new to Construct 3. Thank you if you are able to help!

    -I fixed your character's teleportation. The main problem was that the hero instance was already on the layout and when you moved it after teleportation it still received some time command from moving. The best practice would be to create a hero after entering the layout at the desired point.

    -Slightly optimized too frequent actions and behaviors.

    -Best practice would be to give a name to the layers and when creating refer to the name it will help in the future without problems to add new layers.


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