Hierarchy question?

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  • If you pick family instances in a condition, you are supposed to use the same family in all actions and sub-events.

    Body Pick all FamilyParts
    .. FamilyParts rotate

    Here the LeftHand instances are not picked, so all LeftHands on the layout will rotate:

    Body Pick all FamilyParts
    .. LeftHand rotate
  • If you pick family instances in a condition, you are supposed to use the same family in all actions and sub-events.

    Body Pick all FamilyParts

    .. FamilyParts rotate

    Here the LeftHand instances are not picked, so all LeftHands on the layout will rotate:

    Body Pick all FamilyParts

    .. LeftHand rotate

    How? This way everything inside the "FamilyParts" family will rotate 😅

  • Well, there are no other options. With a family you can optimize some of the code. For example, if you want to rotate only limbs, you can add an instance variable to the family and after picking all family children, pick all limbs among them.

    Body Pick all FamilyParts
    FamilyParts type="limb"
    .. FamilyParts rotate
  • Okay, this way it ends up becoming the same thing that I want to avoid in the first place, which is

    + Body: Pick All children LeftHand

    + Body: Pick All children RightHand

    The RightHand and LeftHand are the children of the Body, if there is a way we can pick every child under a parent, it will be much simpler.

    Since you said it, Now I know, that since there is no other way of doing this efficiently, I have no option other than to stick with this, unless they introduce this Pick Every Children feature.

    Just one question, I going to file idea suggestions for these three features "Pick Every Children feature" and the second is this and third is this.

    So do you find this to be a sensible idea? Can I expect a validation from Dop2000 for the same? Don't get me wrong, before I file the idea suggestion, I think I should gather input from experts, so I can able to represent it better on the idea page, so there would be more chance that they would accept it. :) I'm looking forward to hearing what you think about it.

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  • I don't know. "Pick all children" condition will definitely be useful. But it may not be feasible in Construct, because normally you need to specify particular objects/families for picking.

  • Okay.

    What do you think "the palm sprite not honoring its parent's XY position" part, is This an issue?

    but the palm sprite not honoring its parent's XY position.


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