LoobyLoo's Forum Posts

  • Hi dop2000 one doubt about picking children, is there any way we can pick every child under a parent,

    If I hit any button, let's say to rotate or increase the size of the hand it affects every instance of the object, so I added

    + Body: Is iv_Body_IsSelected (Boolean)
    + Body: Pick All children LeftHand

    This way it is limited to the highlighted objects only where the Body_IsSelected Boolean is true and it works perfectly.

    Coming to the question, I'm searching for a way to do it efficiently,

    currently, I'm doing like this

    + Body: Pick All children LeftHand
    + Body: Pick All children RightHand

    The RightHand and LeftHand are the children of the Body, if there is a way we can pick every child under a parent, it will be much simpler.

    For e.g.

    (But unfortunately, there is no such option. this modified screenshots I put to convey my point visually)

    The code is (please check below) not that lengthy as of now, but once many components are added later it becomes complex because every time we have to pick the specific children. Or is there any other way to make it efficient by using IID or family?

    Here is the code.

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  • + Button: On clicked

    -> Text: Set text to TextInput.Text

  • The reason would be the loopindex becomes 0 after the wait so angleB becomes 0. That's why bullets are always firing at 90 degrees.

    I found the below thread, where folks discuss the same issue. it may help you.


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  • .....🙄

  • Glad it was helpful. Sadly, I can't think of a better way to utilize this action at the moment. It has very limited use cases and it is suitable for very specific tasks like yours.

    You may find this link helpful for a better understanding.

  • My bad, the issue here is, that we may stop with a Boolean but once it starts it will end till every action is executed, in order to tackle it we need to pause the execution of actions in between, so here we can use "Wait for a signal"

    I just demonstrated this roughly but you get the idea of how it can be done.

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  • I think it should work

  • if i click left,up and right arrow, the animation freezes and goes up

    This may help


  • What data is being transmitted? Is the data encrypted at rest and in transit? Is this called out anywhere in the Scirra terms of service?

    Good question, I think we do not know much about this but you said

    "How is the security of our information/code being handled during minifying?"

    I assume it's the same security we get when we generate the AAB/APK when opting for their service.

    But if the code is really sensitive, then there's always a way we can download the Android Studio file, the Cordova file, or the XCode project and export the output ourselves.

  • I want Sprite A's" Sine Animation to remain disabled.

    Do you want to keep Sprite A's" Sine Animation disabled forever?

  • It doesn't work because it's impossible that the same value is 37, 1 and 8 at the same time.

    Here we pick by comparison so theoretically, it will pick all the objects where at the value the instance variable matches.

    This way it works

    (Text.var =37) | (Text.var =1) | (Text.var =8)

    This way it doesn't

    (Text.var =37) & (Text.var =1) & (Text.var =8)