longghead's Forum Posts

  • This how my 3d Camera is currently configured, can someone please explain how I can shake the whole screen just like I would when I make a 2d game. I prefer to shake the camera as opposed to objects but I'll take whatever method works. Thank you so much for any help and c3p file.

  • These settings do not provide the effect I'm looking for. It looks like a bunch of circles moving outwards. I'm looking for one big dust particle that moves outwards and shrinks.

    So how can I make the particles start closer together so it looks like one cloud.

  • In various games like archvale and tiny rogues, when enemies die or a level is cleared they create an explosion of smoke particles. How would i do that using construct, I have tried to use the particles and played with the setting but it’s not looking right. It should kind of be one cloud or smoke with tiny circles that move at random angles before disappearing. I will be using this effect when i spawn a new character on the map or destroy something. See pics below. I appreciate any help and if you can please post capx or show a screenshot

  • template challenge room


    This does not give any of the effects, I am looking for. I need a way to change the camera position, scale and zoom. This rotates the camera, in the game bleak sword dx, cult of the lamb, dont starve(by choice) the camera does not rotate. This also does not explain very well how to use the 3d camera to me.

    Also I do not understand the 3d camera, I either get like a glitching/noise look or the camera rotates the whole screen.

    I prefer a 2d method if possible to do a dynamic camera or if it has to be 3d can someone explain how to do it

  • Hello, in the game bleak sword dx the camera randomly bounces around and appears to change angles. It sometimes looks from a top down view and sometimes looks like a more first person view. I am thinking this is done with a 3d camera, which I have no experience with, I know the developer said he used 2d sprites in a 3d world. How would I achieve this? Also the camera zooms in and out based on how far the player is from it or it just scales the size of the sprites depending on the distance. Please see the pics below. Can someone explain or make a example project to show how I would do this. I greatly appreciate it

  • I am making a bullet hell, I’m trying to make something that when the player shoots and the bullet is slightly off target from an enemy the bullet will set its angle of motion to an enemy within a certain parameter like less then 10 pixels away, but how would i go about doing this?

  • Ashley I have been using construct for years, I created my first great game and I am getting this error after months of work, I have no addons in the project. Someone else posted this same bug and it was closed because he did not know what causes it. The bug is random! I've turned everything I can off and tried to fix it, my thing is that shouldn't the developers who code construct be able to understand what the console is saying and guide me to what the issue is. The console says it can't get z elevation, and its in layers.js 2:187 but the point of construct is for people who don't code, I'm not trying to lose all my hard work. Can anyone look over the console errors and help me find what's causing this I'm willing to pay for the help

  • Hi I currently am making a bullet hell game, what I want to know is how can I do an aim assist where it will make it easier for the player to land more shots on target. Something like call of duty, I was wondering different ways to do it, I seen on a youtube death's door does a snaps the reticle to the enemy position when aiming near them. I was thinking more of a slow down when the reticle goes over the enemy. I am currently using mouse and I set the mouse cursor to the reticle sprite

    PS: Sorry the gif is so blurry I don't know why

  • dop2000 Ok I’m still trying to figure it out, i got it to the point where it pops up very rarely..i was wondering if those codes meant anything ? Like js: 43:187 also where can i message you at, I’ve watched your tutorials on YouTube and your website and i see how you have helped people over the years, I’m starting an indie game studio and i have a really promising game that i could use a skilled coder on , i have a couple things i want implemented and i wanted to see if it’s possible for you to help me and how much it would cost

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This is what the console tells me when I click F12, does this provide any information as to where I could look? Like does the numbers correlate to the events in construct? Just trying to figure out what to check, it says something with z elevation

  • This just started happening last night, I don't know what's causing it my game would just freeze and then the screen would go black, I noticed it happens when the framerate goes to zero. The music will continue to play. Since then I have reduced the amount of objects on screen at once and it has not helped. Does anyone know what causes this.

  • Hi I am developing a top down shooter and I'm looking to do this...

    When the enemy is in range or sees the player, they will draw a line from the enemy to the player for a short time before they shoot. I've seen this mechanic in the game returnal, right before one of the flying monsters shoot at you, there is a laser that pops up to alert you to dodge.

    Please help me with the steps taken and/or screenshots or capx on how this would be done

  • Hello is there any other suggestions or examples?

  • Bump!

  • there are many ways to do this. One way is as I mentioned before. Collision box, which is what you move, and pin the character sprites on it. You should stay within the solids without any jumps/jerks, and turn around the other direction if you wish to.

    As for the dashing through, it's hard to tell without seeing your code. But building off the the previous example, you can use collision filters to enable passing through certain solids when the dash variable flag is enabled/animation is playing.

    Here's a basic example:


    Thanks for your help! I see how I will implement it now, thank you! I have another thread open about enemy ai taking different paths to get to the player, if you know any way to do this please reply in that thread