How do I stop my game framerate from dropping to 0

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  • This just started happening last night, I don't know what's causing it my game would just freeze and then the screen would go black, I noticed it happens when the framerate goes to zero. The music will continue to play. Since then I have reduced the amount of objects on screen at once and it has not helped. Does anyone know what causes this.

  • Press F12 and check for errors in the browser console.

    If the game slows down but not actually crashing, you can try CPU profiler in Debug View, it may show you what processes or events are using the CPU.

  • It’s possible that you have an endless loop running. The music is on a separate thread so it’ll keep going, but the main thread is possibly stuck trying to do something repeatedly, indefinitely.

  • This is what the console tells me when I click F12, does this provide any information as to where I could look? Like does the numbers correlate to the events in construct? Just trying to figure out what to check, it says something with z elevation

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  • That error is almost certainly crashes the game. To find what's causing it I would try removing recently added events and objects (on a copy of the project obviously). You can disable big blocks of code or deleting big groups of objects until the error disappears. Then undo, delete a smaller group and repeat until you find the culprit.

  • dop2000 Ok I’m still trying to figure it out, i got it to the point where it pops up very rarely..i was wondering if those codes meant anything ? Like js: 43:187 also where can i message you at, I’ve watched your tutorials on YouTube and your website and i see how you have helped people over the years, I’m starting an indie game studio and i have a really promising game that i could use a skilled coder on , i have a couple things i want implemented and i wanted to see if it’s possible for you to help me and how much it would cost

  • if those codes meant anything ? Like js: 43:187

    I think these are referencing some internal files in Construct engine, they are not very useful to you. If you can find what's causing the error and reproduce it in a small project, you should report it.

    i wanted to see if it’s possible for you to help me and how much it would cost

    Unfortunately I'm currently busy working on a large game and won't have time for other projects.

  • Ashley I have been using construct for years, I created my first great game and I am getting this error after months of work, I have no addons in the project. Someone else posted this same bug and it was closed because he did not know what causes it. The bug is random! I've turned everything I can off and tried to fix it, my thing is that shouldn't the developers who code construct be able to understand what the console is saying and guide me to what the issue is. The console says it can't get z elevation, and its in layers.js 2:187 but the point of construct is for people who don't code, I'm not trying to lose all my hard work. Can anyone look over the console errors and help me find what's causing this I'm willing to pay for the help

  • I'm afraid it's impossible to tell what is happening from the provided information. As ever if you run in to a problem please file an issue following all the guidelines, and note we need all the requested information otherwise it's impossible for us to help.

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