longghead's Forum Posts

  • bump I also would like to know

  • You have to change the objects gridx, gridy if you are using tilemovement. So if you change its x position and y position while you have the tilemovement active its going to move it back to the tile it is supposed to be on.

    To fix this you can temporarily turn off tilemovement while you change its x/y and then turn it back on

  • What I’m looking for is a way that when the player reaches the edge of a platform, they will stop moving(in that direction). But they can turn around and go the opposite way. In the picture i included u can see a the character can walk to the end of the platform, if he wanted to get over to the other side he would have to dash.

  • Hi i have been struggling with creating the best path system for my game. The game is 4 directional and I basically spawn like 20 enemies and i want them to all search for their own path to the player. The issue with the standard pathfinding is they all take the same path , even when i give them different spawn points they all end up walking the same way.

    The methods i already tried are waypoints, i made 4 waypoints and pinned them to the player and made the enemies randomly pick a waypoint. My issue with the waypoints are that the random event picks the same waypoint a lot and then sometimes the enemy will walk past the player to get to the waypoint(which i can stop with an invisible sprite ) but most importantly all the enemies can’t get to the waypoint because they’ll just line up.

    So i tried to use easystar. Js i might be using it wrong but my issue with that is for some reason the enemies stop moving at random times unless i move the player and they don’t all take different paths like in the example i seen they seem to all group together .

    I’m looking for alternative ways to make enemies take different ways to get to the player, if two enemies go to his left side and then two above him and below and then the right then they all surround that would be ideal

  • Hello, I’m looking for an alternative method to using the solid behavior. I am making a 4 directional game and I’m trying to achieve something like hyper light drifter or moonlighter where the character will stop at the edge of a platform and has to dash over to move to the next platform .

    My issue is when using the solid object it makes players bounce and glitch around.

    Yes i can make an invisible sprite that stops movement when overlapping but how can i allow the player to move the other direction when it is overlapping?

    The solid behavior makes everything bounce off and go in weird directions I’m looking for some code that just stops movement when colliding at a certain point but the player can always turn around and go the other way

    Just for clarity the space between platforms would be somewhere the player could fall if he doesn’t dash properly

  • Hi thanks in advance for taking the time to read and help me. I am trying to figure out why this else condition is not working. I want my player to basically create an object on his item slot when he has a slot available. If he does not I want him to create it on the map. I've used the debugger and tested and found that the issue must be with the else statement it self, because it shows the correct amount of slots full and everything works but this piece.

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  • Goodmorning, I have been researching this for a couple of days and I don't understand what I am doing wrong. My enemy moves up and down but he does not move left or right. I am making a 4 direction rpg. I also need help with creating a threshold so that when the enemy gets x amount of pixels away he starts attacking.

    If someone can please explain what the conditions and actions should be or make a capx or screenshot I would really appreciate it.

    This is what I have
