LDC Studios's Forum Posts

  • Very cool!

  • Yup. Everything is just pre-rendered.

  • It's been a little while since I posted anything. Here's something from the near final product of GP Redux

  • piszozo That's still a pretty cool looking system you got going there. All the wall jumping takes me back to the snes Mega Man X days. Plus I like the Gothic jams!

  • Here is another screen for GP Redux. I do apologize for the lack of content lately, stuff in real world land has been slowing my progress immensely. Stuff like work! SO.... The game is still coming along nicely, if even only at a crawl's speed, but quality won't be sacrificed just to make a deadline. I wanted to have Part 1 complete before the new year but I don't see that happening at this rate. In any case, I will keep everyone updated as things come along!

  • Jermfire Thank you! Things are only getting better as the project progresses, so I hope everybody loves it!

  • This is a render of the nursery room puzzle for GP Redux

  • The whole game will be in chapters. The demo was for some of Part 1. Part 2 will pick up with Miki's portion of the story. Part 3 will return to Amber's story and then Part 4 will bring everything together and close volume 1.

    I really enjoy pixel art games. I've been playing Symphony of The Night on the PS1 and I'm still way into the style. I haven't done any kind of pixel art work since high school, but I may still be able to make some decent stuff if you ever need anything done.

  • Here is an image of Amber in GP:Redux Part 3

    Nesteris Absolutely! We can figure something out after the game is finished and you've had a chance to check things out. I don't care anything about working on deadlines since I prefer quality above anything else. Now that the holiday is over I am picking back up on my work, as you can see above. If I can, I want to try to have Part 1 complete before the end of the year so I can move on to Part 2.

  • Nesteris Alrighty, I finally got a chance to check out your work. I would be sending this via PM, but I lack the Rep Points to do that. And I think posting this here is much more suitable anyway, that way anybody who comes across this page can see this as well (Because this deserves to be seen by all). Your work is absolutely amazing! A video in particular that definitely sold me is this one:


    Everything in this video, from your words to the visuals that accompany them is pure poetry and truth. That is nothing less than beauty in its most absolute form, and I have no problems with advertising this even on my own thread. Truly medicine for the soul, seeing a work made with such clear eyes. I would feel privileged and honored to work with an artist and poet such as yourself. Name your price!

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  • That's a very interesting looking Plugin. I would check it out if there were a trial version. I've had terrible luck with anything relating to 3D game design since I can remember, so I would hate to spend $15 on it and then not have any idea what I am doing. I'll keep it in mind though, just in case I'm ever feeling brave.

  • Thanks I really do appreciate the support! I wish I could say it's a 3D game, but it's only 3D rendered. Maybe some day if the game gains enough popularity it could go true 3D, but that would require a team as I lack the skills to make that happen alone.

  • Well if a guy who wants to be the Prime Minister of Great Britain asked you to make a video for him, that's already saying something pretty great. I know if I was gonna have someone do something like a video ad campaign for me for a position of importance I would probably be looking for the best I could find. I'll definitely be checking out those links and I'll get back to you. Been pretty sick the past couple days so I'm moving a little slow production-wise.

  • PhoenixNightly I was thinking about a kickstarter at one point, but because of the music I am using the project would cost far more than I feel like people would be willing to invest in it. I'm talking thousands of dollars for licenses on the vast majority of the tracks. That plus the cost to upgrade hardware and software in order to make the game look even better.

    I got to thinking that if I did put the game out for free, that would make it more readily available for an even broader audience. Granted, if it was paid I was thinking like $1.99 per part of the game, making the complete project $5.97 (Which I think is pretty reasonable). BUT the more people that can play it at their own leisure, the more the game can advertise itself by word of mouth. And what's better to talk about than a game with tight gameplay, good visuals and full cinematics that's for FREE?

    Then of course there is the initial put-off many people will have because of the awkwardly dressed protagonist against the action/horror theme (I know, it's very Japanese. But hey- Mikami...). Some will not be able to bring themselves to pay even $1.99 because of that, but it is compelling looking enough that curiosity will force them to download it if it's for free (speaking for fans of the genre). If they're a fan of the action/horror genre then I have no doubt they will enjoy it and even they will be telling their friends about it and writing reviews. If the game gains enough popularity somebody high up might notice it. If they do- WOOO!! If not- well it was crazy fun times working on it anyway. And I now have a small piece of immortality as long as the internet exists.

    *Whew* That was WAY more long winded than I thought it would be. But yeah, that's the method behind the madness.

    Nesteris Do you have a portfolio I could check out? I don't mind making my own trailers and such, but any good reason to focus more on the game itself is totally welcome here!

  • It's interesting that you say that because I grew up on Mikami's work and it actually does have a huge influence on all of my own work. I don't want to replicate what he's done, but finding stylistic similarities is almost always guaranteed in any game that I make (intentional or not). I'm not just referring to the RE series either, but other titles like Devil May Cry and even God Hand. It is nice to have something I made be compared to something as huge (for me) as RE, even if it is only visually.