lamar's Forum Posts

  • I assume he meant Fusion 3.

    I wouldn't say Fusion is the grandfather of 2D game engines sorry.

    Gamemaker studio was originally Animo and released in 1999. 001engine released their 2D engine in 2001 so both were around before Fusion.

    I cut my 2D teeth on 001 and sadly they pretty much abandoned that engine even with a good 3D plugin stopped doing updates which is when I started looking around and found C2 that also has a simplified event format for fast game design.

    There were a few other 2D game engines for flash around before those I also tried. Before that when dinosaurs still roamed the earth there were lots of us old farts making games using BASIC and other languages. Oh and can't forget Dungeons and Dragons and all the non computer games we made.

    Not sure who the grandfather of game design engines actually is because there has been so many over the years and some never even had a name and were never commercial products. Just something programmers (back when we actually programmed computers) used to pass around in forums.

  • Renaming layout names and deleting layouts can cause those problems.

    I always save project as a single file before doing anything that might be a major change to a game layout that is working and before I export in case it crashes. Just a good habit to get in to.

  • If you have both mouse and tap commands in your game they read as the same command for tap on object and click on object.

    On Tap On Object............ Create MagnifyingGlass on Position Object

    ----------------------------------- Destroy Object

    On Tap On Magnifying Glass- Open Textbox

    ----------------------------------------- Create object on Position MagnifyingGlass

    ------------------------------------------ Destroy MagnifyingGlass

    I think that is what you are trying to do?

  • > I am not in any way trying to intimate that Scirra would intentionally do anything illegal and contract laws are very tricky.


    I think when a developer under 18 years old sign upin the US, it's not the service provider's fault (but I'm no attorney either). Literally anyone can create a PayPal, how could the companies check that the information their subscribers provide of themselves are valid?

    That is the problem and it can cause legal issues. Subscriptions have to exclude minors or require some form of verifiable parent consent and both options will limit your customer base or can still be bypassed by smart kids and end up causing legal headaches.

    An attorney is the best one to explain what subscription models avoid those problems.

  • I think a lot of young people with limited financial resources are using Scirra and if this is true, I can only be very positive about the fact that they improve their creativity this way. In my opinion, Scirra should take that group in serious consideration because they are the developers of tomorrow.

    Lets wait and see when the first public betas are released. Don't let fears ruling your game development life.

    I agree however there is a legal aspect to subscription contracts that I have brought up to Tom.

    In the US a minor under 18 can not enter in to a contract without parent's consent and a subscription is a contract and involves ongoing automatic monthly credit card transactions.

    Most minors don't have their own credit cards so that limits their ability to get C3 unless they use their parent's credit card and if the parent is not aware that little johnny or Janey was getting an ongoing subscription with an ongoing monthly charge I can see parents getting very upset when they see that monthly or yearly charge and causing legal headaches for Scirra for forming contracts with minors without parents consent.

    That has happened several times with subscription services in the US and most subscription services in the US now require a parent or guardian to sign an affidavit stating they know it is a subscription and they are responsible for that subscription not the child.

    So by going to a subscription model Scirra may be limiting C3 to people over 18 only which cuts out a lot of people now using C2 or the free version and it may raise legal headaches down the road.

    I am not in any way trying to intimate that Scirra would intentionally do anything illegal and contract laws are very tricky.

    Just my opinion and I am not an attorney and I suggest Scirra get legal advice on their subscription model and every country has different rules on contracts and subscription services.

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  • You need to set the sprite to the animation you want first and then set position to image point by number.

    If you have 3 animations for a sprite and you want the third animation and the frame with image point 6:

    Set animation Sprite to Third

    Set position to image point 6

    That animation has to be playing before you can select that image point.

    If you change animations such as moving the player then you need to set that same image point in all animations where you want whatever you are attaching to it to be placed.

  • I actually prefer the 2d version a lot - it feels nicer to play. The 2d perspective you use with the other three tables looks a bit forced/unnatural.

    Some comments:

    - again the ball sometimes runs straight through a flipper

    - the interaction between balls feels off - too rubbery, and they lack a solid feel. At one point I had two balls caught with the right flipper, and the third ball hit the other two coming down. Result: the balls sort-of exploded, with one ball jumping up.

    Have you considered taking this further to create a more digital "Devil's Crush" type like Pinball game?

    There are some issues with C2 physics I have not yet resolved. Flippers do have some spring to them in real pinball and balls would bounce off each other in real pinball so that is accurate I think.

    I have not got far enough to create any real themes yet for these. Mostly working on mechanics and components. That is what I am hoping you creative people will do when I have a template finished.

  • I am an avid pinball player, real and virtual I play Pinball Arcade and Pinball FX2 tables, and have been playing computer pinball games since the Commodore 64 (Pinball construction set). To me the 'feel' and control of the ball are the most important parts to get right. It does not need to be realistic to be good - for example, I love Devil's Crush, for example, which is not very realistic at all, but still has an excellent feel and level of playability.

    I think you are getting somewhat close to a good feel - around 75% there, in my opinion. Still missing is the level of control I would like to see.

    Other comments:

    - the tables are not that interesting to play yet.

    - the ball snaps unrealistically to drop targets.

    - I'd like to see lights indicating goals, achievements, etcetera - just like real machines.

    - on several occasions balls just went straight through the (left) flipper.

    - I think the collision for the tip of the flippers can be extended a bit.

    - I'd like to see an option to play in 2d - I rotate one of my 27" screens in order to be able to play in portrait mode. Ideal for pinball gaming.

    - perhaps consider a scrolling viewpoint similar to the old Pinball Dreams game on the Amiga?

    - I caught the ball with the left flipper, waited for it to settle, and when I dropped the flipper the ball was stuck.

    - the ball does not roll very convincingly yet.

    - real and virtual tables have many more interesting parts - tunnels, etc. I would also like to see more than one level with ramps and such.

    All in all, a good start - perhaps consider creating a pinball game similar to Devil's Crush - I would love to see something similar. Your pinball engine seems more suitable for that type of pinball game.

    Thanks for the feedback. These are still a work in progress.

    I have a 2D version:

  • Just add a slight movement to the player when you disable the platform and they should fall. Jump would work or move left or right.

    Not a bug and just a direction issue that you need to be aware of. If you don't move the player it is still following the last movement you set. That is not an issue using physics but is with direction controls.

  • I wouldn't focus in good Graphics! Keep making good usability and make it functional and easy to use. That's all.

    I wouldn't buy it for the graphics, i would make my own graphics anyway.

    I think your price is really cheap if functionality is running smooth, but it makes you sell more so could be a better strategy.

    good luck

    Thanks for the feedback HugosRibas!

    I am thinking of making a template available and let people design their own components. I will provide the basics with a few choices for flippers, balls, bells and bumpers and people can use sketchup or some other 3D design program to make their own components to add and give it their personal touch.

    Kind of like Visual Pinball but much faster and easier to design a layout and start playing.

  • Wouldn't surprise me if we have a few people on here using this rollout of C3 to bad mouth Scirra and try and drag away their users to some other engine.

    Just saying

  • 'd say though that if the subscription model isn't at least tweaked a bit there might be a bit of an exodus.

    I don't think people are going to leave because Scirra introduces an engine designed for ******** mobile game designers.

    Dodge makes a Viper that is super fast with lots of frills that I could never afford or want but I still buy and love Dodge vehicles.

    As long as Scirra keeps supporting and updating C2 and doesn't throw us out we will still be here and I have tried just about every engine out there and for fast design with good support for beginners and advanced users I don't think any engine beats C2 at this time.

    ADDED: I do think Tom and Ashley should make it clear they will continue support and update C2 and relieve some of the fears people have and that could have been handled better with the rollout of C3. There are still issues with C2 and the website, forum and arcade that should also be addressed and fixed before a big rollout and they are working on those issues. I also think it is long past time for a 3D plugin for C2 and that is what I am waiting for.

  • > Buildbox is also a subscription model, you pay 99 USD or 84 USD each month.


    Very simple: offer BOTH options. Everybody happy.

    Why don't you give it a rest and wait to see it when it is released. They will have a free version to test so you certainly can not complain about that and if you are correct and people do not want a subscription based engine and there is not enough new features to make it a good deal then they won't sell any and will have to change their marketing strategy right?

    Beating up Scirra over releasing a new engine is not helping and is driving down moral on the forum in my opinion.

  • Can you leave that game up? And give me the URL? Also, please email me on tom@ scirra so we don't derail this thread

    Sure thing. I emailed it to sccira support attention you.

    Game page still showing error message and neither old game or update loading.

  • I use the RCA 10" W101 for tablet testing games.

    It has a cheap graphics card and sounds are terrible but I figure if my games can be played and heard on that they should be great on a better system and at $150 it was affordable. I take it with me when lugging the laptop is a pain.

    Keep in mind most of your customers are probably kids not using a high end tablet.