lamar's Forum Posts

  • lamar

    I wanted to draw it something like

    While Left Mouse is down

    -> spawn small circle every tick

    So it looks like that you are drawing.

    OK give me a little while and I will have a CAPX for you.

  • Hmmm?

    You could use the X and Y coordinates of where you start drawing the circle and check if the circle is complete when mouse or tap X and Y is within a certain range of that start X and Y

    You can check the animal sprite image point to see if it is with in the circle.

    How are you drawing the circle or is it a circle sprite?

  • Ok i made a gif, maybe that shows better what is going on


    I checked it on my own sprite and seems to work fine but I do not use Default and all sprites animations are named.

    You can try changing that to a named animation and see if it still does it?

    I would clear that sprite animation frame and reload the image you want and see if it changes in the layout to test it.

  • lamar thanks for the reply but i know these things and i am 100% sure this is not what happened.

    It would also not explain why the sprite placed in the layout shows a different image then the one in the sprite editor.

    I can close and reopen the sprite editor and it still shows a different image in the layout then in the editor.

    OK then.

    The sprite shown in the layout will be the first frame of the first animation when you close the editor unless you tell it to change in an event or in the settings for that sprite. I would check your settings.

    Best of luck!

  • Just a few guesses:

    If you use the select box to edit but don't click on the edit screen to set that box it will not save the edit and will revert back to image before edited.

    If you accidentally click a apply to whole animation or apply to all animations while in paste mode or changing the size or setting the collisions that will apply to all animations in a frame and all animations in the entire sprite.

    You won't see that happened until you close the sprite and play it or go back and look at the sprite again and if you save it that is why you would see sprites not as you wanted them.

    I noticed in the first pic you do not have the sprite cropped and if you do not crop and then set that sprite to a specific size in your events it may appear blurry or stretched.

    Good idea to crop each image as you edit.

  • Hi Lamar. Still getting the '404-File or Directory Not Found' issue. Seems to be a server problem.

    Hi, it loads for me but you may still have the old file when the server screwed up in your cache.

    Try clearing your cache and using this link please and let me know if it does not work:

    The server was pointing to wrong files for a time but I think they got it fixed (I hope)!

  • NOTE: Arcade server having problems so here is the CAPX from the tutorial:

    The planet has been over run by alien bugs and you are our last line of defense!

    Shoot all the bugs with your rapid fire laser cannon and have no mercy. Waves get faster and harder but your weapon gets better as you gain in skill.

    This is a spinning turret shooting game using simple sprites and the game is set up for mouse or mobile.

    The entire game is made with just 20 events so you can add in your own enemies and boss bugs and change weapons and background to give it your personal touch.

    The demo game and free CAPX is here:

    Don't forget to leave some feedback and rate the game and show a fellow game designer some love!

    Enjoy the game and if you make modifications please link to your game here so we can see what you created.

  • Sorry I forgot to upload the CAPX when the arcade server was having issues. The CAPX is available on the arcade game now.

  • Save your game as a single file CAPX instead of a project and provide that link and I will look at it. Sounds like a problem with your collision boxes hanging up the movement.

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  • Yes, i also had the same idea ,

    But there is anyway to fix it using only one sprite? Maybe some option in preferences or project, i don't know.

    You could resize the sprite used for the cursor but it probably will look blurry.

    That is the only solution I have found but maybe someone else has another way.

  • Not sure what you mean by between sprites but when you copy the image is copied to the clipboard and it only holds one image at a time.

    When you save your project as a project file all animations are saved in the animation file and you can use import images from file in the sprite editor to load a single image or multiple images.

    Right click on the animation frame box and you will see import frames.

    That is the way I bulk copy frames from one sprite to another.

  • OK that looks to be using Geolocation and Google Maps.

    Here is a discussion and CAPX to download:

  • I am a lousy artist when it comes to sprites especially shading but I can create just about anything using sketchup and turn that into a sprite.

    The shading is the hard part and you need adobe photoshop or a good render program to get shading correct. Blender is good but takes time to learn. Pixel-art has the shading built in.

    When all else fails I go looking for sprites that meet my needs and modify them.

    As prominent said it take s practice to make good sprites and the right software but not being a great artist won't hold you back from game design and there are graphic artists for hire cheap if you think the game will go commercial.

  • You can zoom in or out using layout scale but panorama would require different camera angles that 3D uses and I don't think that is possible in C2 2D but I could be wrong?

    You could stitch together pics by zooming and moving the scroll to an object on screen which might give you a panorama effect?

  • I had that same issue just recently and how I went about it is to create two sprites for the cursor. One is small and I think the cursor is 32x32 so I set my sprite to that.

    Then I created the same sprite but larger and I had the game scaled by 3 so I think I had the larger sprite at 96x96.

    Then when you use an even that changes the scale also change the cursor sprite either up or down and it will look right on the screen.