KrushBrother's Forum Posts

  • Just use the screen ratio to work it out.

    For example;

    Widescreen (6:9 ratio) = 480x720

    Widescreen (6:10 ratio) = 480x800


  • I like this idea, and it has proved useful with other programs.

    Having both a Save and a Save Iteration would be good.

    As for the sizes and amount of files, 2 obvious solutions spring to mind.

    1 :: Self control: It's up to the user to keep an eye on the amount of files and filesize, and a good coder with poor organisational skills is a poor coder.

    2 :: An option in the preferences to set the amount of iterations to keep. Set it to 10 and when it reaches the limit it gets rid of the first of the backups and adds the new one.

    It could either delete the first of the current 10, or simply move it to a pre-defined directory.


  • And you can save the info in an external file like an ini if you wan't those things remembered between sessions.

    All those things you've mentioned simply require flags to decide the state of the boss battles etc, like Boss1= 0-not yet 1-battle 2-done, and simply act on that flag when you enter the room.


  • Try using the constant Newline.

    It's worked for me in other areas of Construct.


  • Deep breaths Deadeye, deep breaths...

    I know what you mean though.


  • I agree.

    She's just a bit too Katie Price for me.

    You know, how much is real, how much is bought, etc.

    Have we drifted off-topic?


  • Just want to thank you for this plugin ROJOhound.

    Great stuff.

    I've just had more than a hundred aliens moving in several patterns on screen at once with no problem.

    Nice one.


  • Ash,

    It would be a shame to lock such an interesting thread.

    I'd prefer to see the people getting out of hand dealt with.

    I've always found Aeal5566's views interesting, but it seems Madster would prefer to tell rather than being told.

    Anyway, I've almost always used a state machine when programming in C++.

    Maybe not what "some" people would call a State Machine, but there's a lot of power in using a system based on variable states.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • If you haven't seen it already, check out ROJOhound's Path Movement

    Very nice!

  • but hasn't he not been gone as long as he was during the mysterious recent disappearance of all devs?

    Lol, I guess I was MIA when that happened, because it's the first I've heard of it.


  • Yeah, that wireless PC gadget for the 360 is great.

    I bought the widget and a wireless 360 controller in a pack, and bought a charger stand that holds 2 controllers and charges them through the 360 at the same time.

    So I have 2 wireless 360 controllers charging while I'm using the 3rd, and can use all 3 at the same time on the 360 or the PC.

    But we can't expect users to have this setup.

    I've said it before, so I'll say it again, I don't think Construct can be taken seriously until it has better support for controllers.

    No matter how good a game is, using a keyboard or a 3rd party app like joy2key is not going to cut it with the general public.

    How long has David been missing now!?


  • Having just run his game, I can confirm that in .82 if you jump while standing still you get the full height jump, but if you are moving left or right when you jump you appear to hit a glass ceiling about 2 or 3 pixels above his head.

    Very odd.


  • That occurred to me about 5 minutes ago so I did a check to see what happens when I run it without my pad connected.

    I get an error stating line 12 stating that Wintab couldn't find context followed by recurring errors about line 1 and context not being open.

    This is probably down to Vrav not bothering to catch the errors in the program.

    When the tablet is connected, I get the errors listed above about a list index being out of range.

    Having thought about it, this is probably down to what Vrav mentioned earlier about hard-coding it for 1024 pressure levels (I think my tablet is 512).

    I'm going to have a look at Wintab and context with Python over the next couple of days.

    I doubt I'll ever need to use code for reading the tablet in anything I write, either in Construct or just Python, but it would be nice to get it working, with details written here, for those who might find a use for it in the future.

    Vrav, before I go digging for myself, how about a 512 pressure version of what you've got, just to see if that's the problem (and how about some error-trapping )


  • I've never heard of that brand.


    Plenty of different versions over here, from the cheap small ones for kids/hobby use, up to more professional models, and they sit alongside the Wacom ones in the stores.

    Maybe Trust aren't in America (although I thought they were American).

    Anyway, I still doubt it's the drivers as Scidave gets the same errors without a tablet connected.

    We'll see how it goes if Vrav releases another version.

    In the meantime, I'm going to look into writing a short Python script outside of Construct to see how well it reads my tablet.


  • I don't see an accurate way of doing it without factoring in the different months and leap years.

    Shouldn't be too diffifcult.

    Let's say TotalSeconds is the variable you're using:

    (first the amount of years): TotalSeconds=TotalSeconds + (years*31536000)

    (now the months):If month is later than January : TotalSeconds=TotalSeconds + (31*86400)

    If month is later than February and NOT leap year : TotalSeconds=TotalSeconds + (28*86400)

    If month is later than February and a leap year : TotalSeconds=TotalSeconds + (29*86400)


    and then you're just left with the days and hours.

    Of course, because you're using constant numbers for the months you wouldn't need to use maths like 31*86400 as you could use 2678400, which would mean you wouldn't need to use the brackets then either.

    14 or so lines of code and you'd have your seconds stored in your variable.

