KrushBrother's Forum Posts

  • This man has the right of it. Don't scare me like that.

    Lol. Well I must be missing something.

    There's no scrolling in the gridscrolling example, and when I disappear off the right of the screen and keep walking, I know that I fall down the hole at some point, but I'm left looking at the same are of screen that I see when I start the example.



  • I can't understand why the Picture Editor mask button isn't working for you.

    Here's an example of it working.

    This is the image displayed in the editor:

    <img src="">

    And this is the image displayed in the mask editor after I'd erased parts of it for comparison's sake (notice the red line around the display area):

    <img src="">

    Clicking the mask button toggles between the 2 displays.

    I'm using 99.82, so maybe it was broken in 99.62?


  • The ACExamples cap works fine, with some nice examples, but the GridScrolling example doesn't seem to do anything.

    I've looked at the cap, and it looks like it should work.


  • When you're in the picture editor and you click the collision mask button, it may look like nothing has happened, but that's because your collision mask is the same as your image.

    If you look closely, you'll see a red border around the draw area when you have the collision mask button toggled on.

    When this is on, you can edit the mask, click it again to toggle off so you can edit the image, etc.

    Give it a try.

    Edit the mask and then toggle the button on and off to see the difference.


  • Doesn't change the fact that my plugin is once again a broken piece of crap though.

    It may be broken, but it's certainly not crap mate.

    Don't give up.

    This is a great plugin.


  • Yes, it's very easy to do with events and a bit of math, but everything that Construct does can be put in that category.

    Why wouldn't anyone want a quick way of doing this without events.

    If you need to do something that the plugin doesn't do, then it's time to do the maths.

    I also support this plugin.


  • The ACDemo example doesn't seem to move the camera at all, and the ACExamples file crashes Construct when I try to run it.

    Running 99.82 here.

    You also seem to have left a lot of backup example files in the Zip.


  • As I posted above, the image manipulator isn't going to be any good because I need it to be very fast.

    Mipey; Your example with the canvas works well, but I find the Canvas object very buggy.

    For instance, if I resize the canvas from your example in the editor, when it's run the canvas is nowhere near the size it should be!?!

    I've found another solution, and although it's not ideal, unless I can get the canvas to play ball, it will have to do.

    Cheers guys,


  • I hate that paperclip!


  • Ok, I seem to have found the solution just after writing the above post.

    For those who find this thread in the future, use the image manipulator to copy from the source sprite, crop it to the size of destination sprite at the location within the source sprite you need, and then copy to the destination sprite.

    Haven't done any performance checks on this yet, but I can't see any reason why it isn't going to be fast enough for what I want.


    EDIT: Ouch! That method is painfully slow, and of no use to me at all.

    Back to the drawing board.

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  • You don't even need an invisible sprite if you don't want to use one. Just add/subtract from a couple of global variables and scroll to those values.

    Good point!

    I'll make a note of that.

    Where did I pick that nasty habit up from?


  • Here's one for you guys.

    Is it possible to have a sprite (say 300x300) and display part of it (say 50x50) in a 50x50 sprite or canvas?

    I have a feeling that the answer lies with the canvas, based on past conversations I've read on here, but I've hardly bothered looking at the Canvas object.

    There's a lot of Construct that I should explore more.

    If only there were more hours in the day.

    Thanks for any help pointing me in the right direction.


  • Rojo,

    Maybe some sort of slight ease in/ease out for the curves to compensate.

    If the rate of ease in/ease out was linked to the severity of the curve, I think it would work quite well.


  • In the meantime, put a dummy sprite offscreen with a y value of 0 and give it the Sine behaviour with vertical movement..

    Then just

    Always - set Z elevation (of main sprite) to dummy sprite.y


  • Well, I'm sure you could use the camera plugin if you wanted, but you can use the normal method too.

    Just have the screen follow an invisible sprite that's controllable with the keys.

    Then you can move the camera around your layout during the game.

    You can also set it up to use both, by having the camera set on either the player character or the invisible sprite, like so:

    If global(camstate)=1

    Follow player character


    Follow Invisible sprite
