kriand's Forum Posts

  • The problem is that I intend to use the lilac cube for verification and hitbox and the blue bear will display the animations as an enemy.

    I dont know why this is a problem. Here is an example capx for containers:!Ap_-qxoGKbDchBN7kFSidbkX8bL3

  • Easiest solution would be to put the hitbox and the sprite in a container.

  • Hey WackyToaster! Your example looks better if thats the way the object should move. In case the object moves in different directions (for example Tap > move left, Doubletap > move right) you have to check before moving otherwise one direction would be taken and changed shortly thereafter.

  • You have to create your own double tap event using Timer behavior. It can look like this:

    Be aware that there will always be a little delay when pressing the button only once. You need a small time window to check if the button is pressed again.

  • I assume you are using Platform-behavior. Vector x/y can not be greater than the maximum speed. If your object has 500 pps as max speed, vector x/y can be max 500 pps, too. In the event the object gets pushed, you have to give max speed and vector x/y the same value.

  • An easy solution that comes to my mind is to use an object to fade in the level and use the time to time scale the particles and fill the screen with snowflakes:


  • Your code is different from what i suggested. Make sure the enemies 'Status' is "Patrol" when you try to start the timer (Use the debugger if you are not sure). It works with families too and you need the 'Move along path' action only once at after all 'Find actions'. StartX/Y are numbers.

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  • You can send the NPC to a random position when it is not fighting. To prevent that it wanders the hole map, you can define the startposition with instance variables, for example:


  • If you set the MaxSpeed higher the car has to accelerate to increase the actual speed. You have to doeble the MaxSpeed and the Speed to achieve an immediate boost. If you choose a timelimit for your boost you have to make sure that you do not brake abruptly, but slowly reduce the speed:


  • It seems to work if both objects have different values for "Cell border" in Pathfind properties. With the same values for both objects it does not work, no matter in which project. Looks strange to me.

  • I am surprised that the AI moves at all. Normally, the path is created in one tick, and in the next, the AI moves along the path. If the path creation event is true every tick, the AI will not move but will constantly create a new path. Try it like this:

  • You can give your asteroids an instance variable or boolean and change it when it is hit by a bullet. Add a second condition to your event like: Asteroid on collision with Bullet AND Asteroid Variable/Boolean = 0.

  • Is your variable a global variable or did you put your variable under a group, event or maybe you even have created an instance variable for an object? Make sure your variable stands at the top of your eventsheet.

  • This must be because this event is triggert multiple times in some situations. But it is impossible for us to say why, if we can not take a look at your code.