kriand's Forum Posts

  • A little tricky. Upload your image and paste the ID like this in your comment: "img=12345" enclosed by square brackets [ ] and without quotes.

  • We can not help if we do not know your events that control the stick.

  • It was my pleasure. I learned something new myself when I tried to get it to work.

    However, I noticed a bug in which too many GridMarks are deleted in some situations. Use the link from my first post again to get the modified project.

  • Gridbased movement and pathfinding works best when disabling diagonals. You can try my example with and without diagonals. I did not search much for bugs and it may not be 100% optimized.

    Unfortunately, I currently have no access to C2, so please use the free version of C3 to open the project: The code should be compatible with C2.!Ap_-qxoGKbDchAG-daHMFImSNay0

    Edit: At the moment the C3 r111 has serious problems with OR conditions. You have to use a new version (beta) for everything to work.

  • Thanks for hint, dop2000. I tested it now and it seems that the OR-block dont take different objects at the moment. For example: "SpriteA.X < SpriteB.X OR SpriteA.Y < SpriteB.Y --> Set SpriteA..." works but "SpriteA.X < SpriteB.X OR SpriteB.Y > SpriteA.Y --> Set SpriteA..." seems not to work.

  • You have to make sure that only one condition is true in an OR-block. If the speed is reached and the animation is playing at the same time, well, then it would be an AND-block.

  • Two different objects in the condition should be no problem. I noticed in your first image that you're controlling MirroAble from BaseCharacer1 and not from Character_Anim.

  • Objects on a global layer are created on every layout and global objects are transferred to the next layout. When changing the layout you have the object from the global layer and the object from the previous layout.

  • Please check if there is an event after the OR-block that sets your boolean back to true.

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  • If you dont want to use parabolic formulars, you can achieve the same effect with Bullet behavior and change scaling according to the speed:!Ap_-qxoGKbDcg36Eo443iLPo3VaT

    Still refer to my example. I am not using parabolic equation but this may be independent from bouncing.

  • This is caused by parallaxing. When you drag an object on an layer with parallaxing 0,0 you have to use Mouse.AbsoluteX or Mouse.X("MenuLayerName"). Same for Mouse.Y.

  • You can disable the physic behavior for all objects with Y less than your character. Problem is, that other objects ignore those to, so you have to add an invisible sprite/TBG with physic behavior, lay it over all JumpThru platforms and disable collision for your character. The reason why you can not deactivate the collision of the JumpThru Platform for the player right away is that this action always counts for all instances and is not applicable individually.

    + System: On start of layout

    -> PhysicBlockInvisible: Disable Physics collisions with Player

    + System: For each PhysicJumpThru

    ----+ PhysicBlockJumpThru: Y < Player.Y

    -----> PhysicBlockJumpThru: Set Physics disabled

    ----+ System: Else

    -----> PhysicBlockJumpThru: Set Physics enabled

  • this is a misunderstanding.

    The persistent behavior keeps the properties for objects when returning to the layout where they were placed or created.

    A global layer has the same objects on every layout, but the deafult properties.

    If you want to take an object from layout to layout and keep its properties, you need to place it on an normal layer and enable 'Global' for the object. Another option is to save all properties in an global object like an array or dictionary. You do not have to create any real entries there, but you can also create instance variables and store values like health, exp, strength etc.

  • The cone has the same angle as the objects with this behavior. So both your examples are the same except that the object has a different angle. If you want the Object look in a specific direction without changing its angle, you need to add an invisible Sprite with LineOfSight and pin it to your object (position only). Then you can rotate it without changing the visible objects. Putting both into a container makes things easy.

  • If you dont want to use parabolic formulars, you can achieve the same effect with Bullet behavior and change scaling according to the speed:!Ap_-qxoGKbDcg36Eo443iLPo3VaT