kriand's Forum Posts

  • Maybe this example can help you:!Ap_-qxoGKbDchASprnnQVBuepkkF

  • What events do you use? With the 'ScrollTo' behavior the Player should be always in the center of the screen, even with speed above 10000pixel/sec, which is not even playable.

  • I am pretty sure this has nothing to do with Construct. Look up your Windows gamepad configuration. I can remember that there is a setting in Steam where you can activate gemepad controls for desktop. If Steam runs in the background look up the settings and disable this option.

  • You can also take a look at the new C3 template "Eat 'em all".

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  • Depending on the game, it might seem strange if the player finds that some bullets fly farther than others or some shots are eternal if you run after them.

    Another option would be to give the bullets an instance variable in which the maximum range is set. Then you can compare the flight distance with the variable and destroy the bullet / fade it out when the maximum range is exceeded (provided you use the bullet behavior).

  • Then you need to put the block into a famaly and check if the block is overlapping this famaly at offset

    -> If Block is not overlapping fam_Block at offset (0,-1) -> Set animation

  • You can not check whether the block is overlapping itself. What do you use to for your water? wouldnt it be easier to check if the block is overlapping the water?

  • By 'pixel art optimized' you mean you have set Sampling to 'Point' in project properties?

  • There is nothing wrong with my suggestion and I advise you to implement it. Reduce a variable every second, just to put it back in the next step does not make sense. And still the error on your screenshots is not recognizable. We need more info or at best you share your project.

  • Every second you subtract 1 from your variable without any other condition, of course it will continue to count down. Add another condition like 'Variable > 0' or 'Flymo STATE is not AWAKE'. Then you dont need the 'trigger once' condition in the other event.

    Why the variable does not take the value of your event is not visible on the screenshot. The error must be somewhere else.

  • When i disable this action, it stops crashing. It is because SpeedRegulator is set to 0, so you want to divide a value by 0 which is infinit. Set SpeedRegulator to some other value.

  • You have to use cloud storage (Onedrive, Google Drive, Dropbox...) to share a file.

  • Just tested it with 'Repeat 1000 times' and adding some keys similar to yours. The preview is running fine. Maybe sharing your project can help to find a solution.

  • In the editor the viewport will always stay top left. You can build your stage like you want. Give your player sprite the 'ScrollTo' behavior and the viewport automatically moves to the player after the layout starts.