Knifegrinder's Forum Posts

  • kbm I think hmin refers to the assets folder inside the app_src folder. You can find it downloading the Crosswalk binaries. You'll have to pack your app by yourself without using the intel XDK cloud compiler. Currently there's no way to enable the ignore-gpu-blacklist flag with the Intel XDK.

    See here:


    Regarding my performance issue. I have a device powered by an Adreno 305 GPU that AFAIK it's not blacklisted and when I check the current renderer with the C2 system expression I get the "WebGL" string (there's no swiftshader on android and I should get "Canvas2D" as a result if I'm blacklisted, am I right?)

    I had the performance drop migrating form XWalk5 to XWalk6 but when I test my game on the device browser I don't see any difference between Chrome 34 and Chrome 35.

    Since nobody else on this forum noticed it I'll do some profiling on my device.

    A little edit:

    I read the last pages of this thread and I found a lot of misunderstandings.

    hmin is talking about the CrossWalk project, not about the intel XDK cloud compiler based on it.

    Joannesalfa: hmin didn't suggest you to use phonegap instead of crosswalk. Since Crosswalk has native support for the cordova extensions you can use them inside it without using the native webview. Unfortunately the double name phonegap/cordova is still generating a lot of confusion.

  • Am I the only one who had an huge performance drop with XWalk 6?

  • Thanks Silverforce, but are you getting the same frame rate as the stable build?


    Do you have a device with a blacklisted GPU?

    Crosswalk v5 adopted the chromium GPU blacklist while v4 seems to skipping it. (See here)

    Since almost 1/4 of the android devices out there have GPU blacklisted by the chromium team this may be your issue.

  • Another framework for HTML5 game is called Phaser provides seamless using tilemap in fullscreen.

    Those results are the same you can achieve in C2 using pixel rounding and low quality fullscreen scaling.

  • I filled a bug report regarding an humongous glitch that happens on a lot of devices since v2.0 (even in the demo packed with the launcher!!!).

    Today (after my decision to use crosswalk and never look back) i checked their support forum and I saw this:

    "10 days ago - 0 votes - 0 answers"

    I used to be pissed off when CocoonJS was the only viable solution to export games on android devices, but now I'm laughing. I can't really imagine a company with such a bad organization survive the market laws. They HAD a jewel and two years of advantage over their competitors and wasted all of it.

    In the near future even low-end mobile CPUs and GPUs will be able to run full browsers at full framerate and solutions like CocoonJS will be useless and out of date.

  • Do you have any plugin installed on your browser? If so try to deactivate them one by one.

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  • Is recommended to create new object as sprites with 5 animations instead of 20 animations?

    No. It's more efficient to fill a single spritesheet instead of splitting your animations between more objects.

    This blog post may clear your doubts.

  • I think there is a lot of confusion about what is really CocoonJs .

    CocoonJS (Canvas+) is not a browser, it's a wrapper that mimics a browser intercepting draw calls and "converting" them to OpenGL ES calls so you can't expect the same behaviors that you can see using a real browser.

    "WebGL is faster than Canvas2d" is a true statement only when there's a real browser involved but since WebGL is not supported by iOs what we see on our iphones screen is an "emulation".

    Ashley said once that WebGL engine is a little slower due to technical reasons on javascript execution side and a lot faster at drawing things on screen. So, in the end, you have an huge performance improvement. But this happens only on real browsers.

    We don't know how CocoonJS works behind the scene but we know that the iOS SDK agreement requires apps to use Apple's own JavaScript engine which is a lot slower than modern JS engines.

    My speculation is that since maybe CocoonJS accelerates in the same manner both Canvas2d and WebGL calls, the gap you see in favour of Canvas2d is related to the slow and old JS engine that apple imposes on their developers.

  • sergyperov

    I can assure you that the majority of the android devices out there support this.

    I'm also testing a lot my game before the release on every phone and tablet I can get my hands on and had similar issues only with low-end cheap chinese tablet. Tested also on HTC newest devices (One and One mini) with no problems at all.

    • Post link icon

    You have a Galaxy Note 2 powered by a Mali-400 GPU.

    Try to export with CocoonJS 1.4.7 instead of 2.0.0 and avoid crosswalk until they add the gpu-blacklist removal option.

    I'm saying this because I noticed a severe drop on performance on some device of my test base with the release of CocoonJS 2.0.

    I never associated this issue with the chromium GPU blacklist but today I noticed that every device that struggle with crosswalk now have a bad performance also with CocoonJS 2.0. And all those devices have GPU blacklisted by the chromium team (Mali 400-Adreno 200)

    Maybe Ludei team has adopted the same blacklist after the introduction of their chromium based webview+ also for their old canvas+ product. I'm just speculating since CJS is closed source and communicating with Ludei is somewhat hard.

  • Ludei now runs two parallel projects under the name CocoonJS.

    One is the old CocoonJS renamed Canvas+, the other is an accelerated webview for cordova projects called Webview+.

    Webview+ is a full DOM-Browser embedded inside your app based on chromium project, just like Crosswalk, so even if you manage to export a C2 game to run on Webview+ (I don't know how much efforts this task can request since I didn't bother trying it) you'll get very similar results to those you'll get exporting your game in a breeze with the C2 Crosswalk exporter.

    PhoneGap was started by another team that used Cordova and made easy packaging. but PhoneGap is not Cordova. Then I believe Intel bought PhoneGap.

    I have to correct you.

    Adobe bought phonegap and Intel bought Appmobi.

  • ALI3D69

    I found this:

    [quote:2qb0tax0]I've now got a Galaxy Tab 3 and spent some time investigating this issue. Indeed the problem is that the EXT_robustness implementation on the Mali-400 does not support reset notification. However, Chrome doesn't use virtual GL contexts on these GPUs, so in theory the effects of WebGL shaders could be confined to the respective WebGL GL context.

    I did some further testing ( and turns out it's still possible for long running shaders in the WebGL contexts to block GL execution in other contexts -- not limited ones in Chrome. Based on this I don't think we want to enable WebGL on Mali-400 based devices.

    It seems to me that the problem with devices powered by the Mali-400 series GPU (basically a lot of samsung devices, the major player in the android market) is limited to the use of webgl shaders.

    If i'm not wrong this turns to be a good news because, when crosswalk will support the gpu-ignore-blacklist flag, a developer can simply avoid shaders to get an hardware accelerated version of his game without fearing crashes or other unintended behaviors.

    yongsheng correct me if I'm wrong, as a php developer I'm not into GL contexts at all <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

  • Right click on package.appmanifest and select "View Code"

    Find the line

    <Identity Name="XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX" Version="1.0" />

    And make it look like this:

    <Identity Name="XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX" Version="" Publisher="CN=XY" />

    (Where XY is your name as publisher, for example knifegrindergames)

    If you want to test on a real device remember to click on the arrow next to the play button and select "Windows Phone 8.1" as startup project (Windows 8.1 is the default option).

    Said that, my first experience with WP 8.1 was quite disappointing with a lot of inconsistencies, audio drops and crashes, but since i make an heavy use of event sheet includes (r166 have a bug that reverts the usual order of fired events), VS 2013 is still a RC (not even RTM), WP8.1 is still a beta and I'm running it on a 512Mb device (a crappy Lumia 520)... well... I can't blame anyone or anything for that. I'll test soon on a proper device (a Lumia 920) building my project with C2 r167 and I'm confident that a lot of issues will go away.

    Curiously Canvas2d mode seems a lot faster than WebGL.

  • Have you tried to see if also AccelertionWithGravity return no values?

    I'm saying this because I faced a similar problem on a totally different device (Windows Phone) where Alpha, Beta and Gamma values returned 0 due to the lack of inclinometer (or gyroscope, don't remember) on lower spec devices like lumia 520.

  • intelXDK can too

    The old intel xdk and crosswalk are two different things.

    A product like crosswalk for iOs that runs your html5 app in a real browser with an accelerated canvas. a fast JS engine and full DOM support don't exist and will never exist until Apple review its very restricted policy about third party browsers.