Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

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  • cesisco

    I tested XDK beta with my own game and found it running smooth. On a LG G-Pad 8 inch, with Snapdragon S600.

    Thanks Silverforce, but are you getting the same frame rate as the stable build?

  • Thanks Silverforce, but are you getting the same frame rate as the stable build?


    Do you have a device with a blacklisted GPU?

    Crosswalk v5 adopted the chromium GPU blacklist while v4 seems to skipping it. (See here)

    Since almost 1/4 of the android devices out there have GPU blacklisted by the chromium team this may be your issue.

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  • After testing one type to another, the Crosswalk 4 stable is better. Checked with Intel XDK v876

  • >


    > Thanks Silverforce, but are you getting the same frame rate as the stable build?



    Do you have a device with a blacklisted GPU?

    Crosswalk v5 adopted the chromium GPU blacklist while v4 seems to skipping it. (See here)

    Since almost 1/4 of the android devices out there have GPU blacklisted by the chromium team this may be your issue.

    Hmm, in my debugging text it says "canvas2d" as renderer, in both stable and beta builds but the stable has a better framerate(55 fps vs 32 fps).

    The intel app preview the app is using the "WebGL" renderer.


    I was wondering why the performance is worst in Crosswalk 5, even when both builds are running with canvas2d renderer.


  • I've made the jump from CocoonJS to XDK due to multiplayer support.

    I've just exported ready to upload to the google play store but when I test the .apk file from the email it does not let me update the older CJS app on my phone. It says a package with an existing name exists. Conflicting signature.

    If I jarsigner and zipalign the files I get the same issues.

    When trying to upload to google play both versions do not work.

    I am getting

    "Upload failed

    Your APK has been signed with multiple certificates. Please only sign it with one certificate and upload it again.

    You uploaded an APK that is signed with a different certificate to your previous APKs. You must use the same certificate. Your existing APKs are signed with the certificate(s) with fingerprint(s):"

  • Mayfly

    Intel XDK APK is already signed and ready to go, they sign with the key of your XDK account. This obviously conflicts with CocoonJS signing since that is done manually with your own generated key.

    There's no way of doing CocoonJS -> XDK update, you'll have to do a separate app.

  • IntelRobert

    is there no way around keeping old signed keys. ive had my app on the store for a while now so I really would prefer to keep my store listing if possible!?

  • Hi, cesisco, I am from Crosswalk team and working on the Crosswalk development.

    The lower framerate is very likely to be caused by the fact that we only ignore gpu black list for IA platform from Crosswalk 5, and it won't do any additional thing for ARM platform to avoid some crash which is reported from Construct2 user, see XWALK-934 in Crosswalk Bug JIRA.

    From Crosswalk 6, we allow the web developer to append command line options by themselves, for example, you could append '--ignore-gpu-blacklist' in 'assets/xwalk-command-line' file, and Crosswalk runtime will load this cmd option file firstly before launching your app.

    IntelRobert, the audio lag in the Crosswalk 5(beta) build is ok, but the overall performance in every other aspects is very bad in my games, the framerate is almost the half comparing to Crosswalk 4(stable).

    So i´ll wait until Crosswalk 5 goes stable, and hope everything runs smoothly.


    > Our build system gives you the choice of crosswalk 4 & crosswalk 5. The latest app preview uses crosswalk 5. Since you say that App Preview does not have the lag, then I am hoping that it was a problem fixed in crosswalk 5. Please check that you are using crosswalk 5 by going to the bottom of the details tab in the build dialog.


    > If crosswalk 5 has the problem, then please PM a capx file that shows the problem.



    > >

    > >

    > > IntelRobert, hi, here's a video with a comparison of the audio latency in the device:Intel AppPreview:less than 30 millisenconds

    > > Crosswalk Apk build: 234 millisecods

    > >

    > > I guess the problem is not with my device, since it play synced in the App Preview.

    > > In the Chrome Browser the latency is around 34ms, but i have other problem in Chrome for android, the sound is

    > > playing on the earpiece and not on the speaker, i mentioned that on this topic :I can send you the Apk build and my device specifications, but note that the audio lag occurs in every project i have.

    > > Thanks

    > >


  • Hi, , Thanks for your feedback. I am from Crosswalk team and working on Crosswalk development. I'd like to look into the issue your report. It would be better if you could upload your apk or a simple way to reproduce this issue.


    In regards to the visual clarity (or lack of), this was raised awhile ago, is there a solution upcoming?

    I compared the same build and scene with CocoonJS and the latest XDK, there is a large drop in clarity in the XDK compiled game compared to CJS. Performance is very similar between both.

    These screenshots are captured from my device running the game, LG G-Pad 8 with native 1920 x 1200p resolution.

  • Hi, , Thanks for your feedback. I am from Crosswalk team and working on Crosswalk development. I'd like to look into the issue your report. It would be better if you could upload your apk or a simple way to reproduce this issue.

    > IntelRobert

    > In regards to the visual clarity (or lack of), this was raised awhile ago, is there a solution upcoming?


    > I compared the same build and scene with CocoonJS and the latest XDK, there is a large drop in clarity in the XDK compiled game compared to CJS. Performance is very similar between both.


    > These screenshots are captured from my device running the game, LG G-Pad 8 with native 1920 x 1200p resolution.


    I've tested this on lots already, you can reproduce it with just a blank layout (1280 x 720 pixels), one image sprite with some spritefont text, then compile with XDK/Crosswalk and CocoonJS and compare the result.

    At this point I suspect 2 possibilities: 1) Letterbox scaling, because my test device is 1200p and not 720p that my games are made at. I say this because CocoonJS doesn't have proper scaling, it just keeps that aspect ratio and have black/empty bars on bottom and right if the display is not matched. 2) Rendering quality/filtering is low on mobile chromium.

  • Letterbox scaling is not good fro publishing to mobile devices. That is where the scale outer/inner come into play usually to avoid odd scaling issues like the black bars which will keep you from getting published on Android and iOS. They really don't like black bars.

  • Letterbox scaling is not good fro publishing to mobile devices. That is where the scale outer/inner come into play usually to avoid odd scaling issues like the black bars which will keep you from getting published on Android and iOS. They really don't like black bars.

    For CocoonJS? I set it to scale inner and outer for testing but it comes out the same. In C2 its set for full-screen letterbox though. I had read somewhere that CJS needs it to be set as such in C2, is this no longer the case? If I set it Scale Inner in C2 and the scaling works with CJS compile?

    For XDK I've always just leave it on Letterbox and it works on any screen ratio I've tested it on. Maybe the Letterbox scaling causes the image blur??

    Edit: Ah I got that from Ashley's tutorial from 2012: "The letterbox fullscreen modes are not supported. If they are selected, it will fall back to 'Scale outer' mode instead." Thats why CJS has been giving me black bars, since it defaults to Scale Outer, I had forgotten about that issue. Guess Scale Inner in C2 and Scale to Fill in CJS should do the job.

  • Is there a way we can prevent the phone from sleeping? I didn't see that issue on your online spreadsheet thingy.

    KFC, rekjl, does the plugin (link is blocked, you can search 'phonegap-powerManagement-plugin' in Google) meet your requirement? It can make application keep running for a long time without user interaction.

  • hmin, thanks for the info, I will take a good look at it soon. But do you have any news on why the startup screen acts weird?

    If I am holding my phone in portrait or landscape mode while the splashscreen is showing, it displays a black and white screen. If I don't change my phone's orientation when the splashscreen is showing, just before the game starts it shows a black screen for a short time, but very noticable.

  • Hi, cesisco, I am from Crosswalk team and working on the Crosswalk development.

    The lower framerate is very likely to be caused by the fact that we only ignore gpu black list for IA platform from Crosswalk 5, and it won't do any additional thing for ARM platform to avoid some crash which is reported from Construct2 user, see XWALK-934 in Crosswalk Bug JIRA.

    From Crosswalk 6, we allow the web developer to append command line options by themselves, for example, you could append '--ignore-gpu-blacklist' in 'assets/xwalk-command-line' file, and Crosswalk runtime will load this cmd option file firstly before launching your app.

    Hi hmin, thanks for your answer, good to know that i will be able to ignore the gpu blacklist(at least for testing purposes).

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