rekjl's Forum Posts

  • FYI:

    "Thanks, but will it still rotate between portrait modes if the phone is flipped 180 degrees?,"

    Using the android_manifest.xml way above, will disable (ignore) any rotation from the user flipping the phone 180 degrees.

    Thanks! Didn't saw your post earlier, sorry. Will definitely try this as well, always good to learn new techniques. Thank you again!

  • >

    > > Try install this plugin and see if it works.

    > >


    > Doesn't look like it's a plugin for c2. Not sure it's intended for which program.


    I use the c2 official browser plugin to do

    Browser|lock orientation to primary portrait[/code:3g3i5kjj]
    Then add cordova-plugin-orientation (given Git) to your project. I have tested and it should lock your app to certain orientation even if you rotate 180 degrees.
    Make sure you set it to "primary"(normal screen position) or "secondary"(upside down) so it is locked.

    Thanks! That's really great. I'm travelling now, will try implement it once I'm back.

    Again, thank you, really appreciate it.

  • You can also edit the android_manifest.xml directly, and add (or change) in the activity node this:




    this will lock the screen orientation for an android app.

    Thanks, but will it still rotate between portrait modes if the phone is flipped 180 degrees?

  • Try install this plugin and see if it works.

    Doesn't look like it's a plugin for c2. Not sure it's intended for which program.

  • Try install this plugin and see if it works.

    Thanks, will download and give it a try

  • bump

  • In project properties there is an Orientation field that you can set to portrait to lock it to portrait, landscape locks to landscape etc.

    No that won't work. I want it to lock the screen entirely, setting it to landscape or portrait and than flipping the phone 180 degrees will rotate the screen. I want it to remained locked.

  • Hi everyone. Anyone knows if it is possible to disable auto orientations for mobile, either in c2 settings or cocoon?

    I'm not referring to just setting it to landscape or portrait, I mean lock the screen orientation entirely. So even if I flip it 180 degrees, it wont flip the screen and you will be looking at the screen upside down.

    Is this possible?

  • Congrats! That's a huge achievement. Hope it continues to grow

  • It's not a question of trust, it's matter of time.

    Depending on third parties to fill the needs of mobile export had less than obvious flaws.

    People don't want to pay for plugs to enable full support, and third parties don't want to create/ update plugs for free.

    As stated they are working on solutions.

    The existing mobile exporter for C3 should prove that.

    True. Every single engine, even software for that matter has tonnes of bugs when it is just released. Sure others fix it faster than Scirra, but that's because they have a large workforce. And that's why they charge a premium for their products, while Scirra's is still very much affordable. There are compromises in every scenario. We just need to find the one that fits our need the best.

  • rekjl This is more of a interactive visual novel, rather than a game. Even though there's an inventory, items there, stats being gathered based on choices and what else. Cannibalism yeah.

    We were part of the Misery mod for the game STALKER, and our art director essentially started the mod and the art direction of Misery, so we have a lot from there in terms of looks.

    Sounds nice! Exactly the type of game you want to play before bed....than spend too much time playing until you realize it's morning!

  • Wow, intrigued! Would love to see the gameplay. Haha reminded a bit of the Metro series

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  • Nope, sadly I'm so busy with work that couldn't even beta test it. In all honesty though, for the near future, I don't think I will switch. I think either 2 things need to happen for me to switch.

    1: My games become a financial success that paying for subscription makes financial sense to me.

    2: C3 comes with all the features that I think I need to make my games, and not depend on tonnes of plugins and wrappers.

    Do hope that once I'm free I'll be able to test C3 out though, cause nothing is better than trying it out and decide for yourself.

  • Nice, been trying to get it to work for so long, never could. Thanks sizcoz

  • There are a few possibilities that might be causing the issue.

    Read through this, and check your settings to check which of them is causing the issue.