Do you see the same problem in chrome browser? If you send me a apk in a PM I can pass it on to crosswalk team to see if they can look at it. Please be specific about what device you are using and what sequence of events are needed to test and recognize the problem.
IntelRobert , Hi, i love the Intel XDK workflow, and i have a couple of games ready to upload to Google Play, but i'm having a problem with the lag/latency in the audio, that ruins my games.I read that some other users have the same issue, and i can fix that on my own, any clues?
> With the audio fix and the Admob support...that would be my dream come true
> Thanks.
IntelRobert, hi, here's a video with a comparison of the audio latency in the device:
Crosswalk audio latency
Intel AppPreview:less than 30 millisenconds
Crosswalk Apk build: 234 millisecods
I guess the problem is not with my device, since it play synced in the App Preview.
In the Chrome Browser the latency is around 34ms, but i have other problem in Chrome for android, the sound is
playing on the earpiece and not on the speaker, i mentioned that on this topic :
Android sound problem
I can send you the Apk build and my device specifications, but note that the audio lag occurs in every project i have.